Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike Paradise...

This is tyranny, pure and simple. Anyone who would impose it is both evil and mad. [Read]

The conveniently unidentified Consumer Affairs spokeswoman, the hearing officer and the appeals judge ought to be identified and held personally accountable.  So leave it to the "Authorized Journalists" to only give us the name of their victim.

Holder position on voter ID exposes racial discrimination against gun ownership

If Perez is correct, that lack of state-issued photo ID is 20% more likely to disenfranchise minorities from their right to vote, why would we not also believe it would have a similar effect on their right to purchase a firearm, as is specified on ATF’s Form 4473 requiring a driver’s license or “valid government issued photo identification,” and similar forms as proof of eligibility?

The government can’t have it both ways. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary objects to a government-imposed requirement that they themselves consider racist--when it suits their purposes.


Emboldened by a new Republican majority in Richmond, some 200 people rallied on Capitol Square Monday to push gun-friendly legislation, hours before a crowd occupied the same space to commemorate victims of gun violence. [More]
200? Hell, I found 1,250 firearms-related businesses alone in VA. Why the hell weren't there 200,000?

I remember we got about 200 gun owners to show up at a demonstration in LA--the weekend after 40,000 of them managed to drag themselves to the big area gun show back when it was still allowed at the LA County Fairgrounds.  Most didn't lift a finger to stop its expulsion from happening, either.

Pathetic, the number of do-nothing welfare parasites in "our" ranks. Yeah, let someone else do it.  Profiles in Apathy, that is, the gungrabbers' best friends, strike again.

On the plus side, it looks like the cud-chewers did a lot worse.And here's a wonderful illustration of how they operate:
“We think that the laws on the books in Virginia are reasonable,” [Lori Haas] said.
Followed immediately by:
Sen. A. Donald McEachin, Henrico Democrat, said at the afternoon vigil that he planned to introduce legislation calling for universal background checks for gun purchases.
Gee, they're so "reasonable," we must have more!

Not that the frickin' Republicans will do anything beyond the bare minimum needed to exploit gun owner desperation...

And they can get away with it because, as we observed, only 200 showed up.

[Via Drew R]

Yes and No

What is occurring is that some folks in DOJ & ATF, along with Democrats and the main stream media are using law enforcement terminology to confuse the public by not distinguishing the differences between the terminology gun walking used in Operation Fast & Furious and the terminology controlled gun delivery used in Operation Wide Receiver.
The nation’s federal gun-law enforcer, ATF, in conjunction with a task force composed of several other federal agencies, allowed nearly 2,000 weapons to be smuggled into Mexico via Fast and Furious. These “controlled deliveries” of deadly weapons were put into the clutches of criminal organizations so that ATF could later trace the trail of those guns to the kingpins of Mexico’s criminal organizations.

For Better or For Worse

WRSA presents an alternative perspective on options. [Read]

You know, an alternative to pragmatic coprophagia and preemptive surrender...