Friday, February 10, 2012

Houston Defensive Gun Use Story Gives Several Lessons that Fly in Face of “Conventional Wisdom”

"Conventional wisdom” says dial 911 and let the police handle things. That, perhaps, is the most chilling thing about this story, as we learn from her 10-year-old son:
“I started calling 911. I called five times. They kept hanging up on me” [More]
She had several chances to act like an anti-gun ungulate.

Thank goodness she had better sense.

NBC News ignores Gunwalker, continues anti-gun propaganda agenda

So leave it to “Today” to send “national investigative correspondent” Jeff Rossen to Phoenix of all places, and rather than say word one about Gunwalker, instead perform the same sham straw purchase media stunt that’s already gotten no traction when unabashed anti-gun activists pulled it. And note they always do it where it’s nice and safe, and no real illegal transfers actually get recorded, as opposed to going undercover where they’ll meet real “dangerous criminals” and terrorists, like on domestic urban gang turf, or better yet, in Ciudad Juárez. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary looks at what NBC expects us to swallow.

Madonna Stalker Escapes from Mental Hospital

Don't worry. [Read]

She has plenty of armed security.

Not that she wants you to have it.

Fortunately, she does give us tips on how to just give them what they want.

And what we need.

I'd link you to the website to see her fellow flaming media pigs, but after getting plenty of free press bragging about how "incredibly successful" the effort was, they allowed the  site to go belly up with no fanfare, and now you can only access it via The Wayback Machine.

Still, if the psychotic nutjob does somehow manage to get her stalker alone (what, you didn't think I was talking about him?), I imagine she "will be swift and merciful."

The Bob Crawford School of Journalism

Third - and I want to emphasize - Never Feed a Marshmallow to a grizzly bear like this: [places a marshmallow in his mouth and poses wantingly]
"Authorized Journalists"--masters of their subject matter, no?

Unintended Consequences of Snotty Ignorance

That left cities across the state scrambling to repeal everything that even smelled like a law restricting firearms. Lake County, for example, repealed a law banning firearm advertisements in its parks. [More]
Lauren Ritchie lays down the stupid.

Just so we're clear: They want "home rule" to restrict more than just the Second Amendment.  The only time they cede to preemption is when the edicts serve Leviathan.

By the way, "the Wyatt Earp school of legislative thought" was on your side, you snotty ignoramus.

But that's fine, don't harvest alligators--that'll sure protect those toddlers and Jack Russell terriers...

Is the NRA's Electoral Power a Myth?

Provocative!  [More]

Well, gee, Paul Waldman, I realize we don't have to lie about the huge grassroots support folks like the Bradys, VPC and CSGV would have us believe they enjoy, and I realize they have the advantages of administration lawbreaking, media sabotage and foundation funding to advance their agendas, but what you seem to be forgetting is the simplest of ultimate realities:

We will not disarm.  And by "we" I mean "enough."

But you continue provoking, and believing you matter.

Cert Denied

Even though the Supreme Court requested a response to the Delacy petition from the government in October 2011 - an unusual move that shows the high court had unusual interest in the case - Delacy ended up being another in a line of recent Second Amendment-related cases which the Supreme Court declined to accept for review. [Read]
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is all the court has to do to maintain the status quo of "existing gun laws":
Back in 2005, I wrote the following on my WarOnGuns blog, predicting what the likely outcome of a Second Amendment case would be:
“I believe the court will not dare say there is no individual rkba. But if they find there is one, it will be so heavily burdened with ‘reasonable restrictions’ as to ensure the status quo. They’ll never admit the truth unless someone, that would be us, has enough power to compel them.”
It's up to us to provide the "or else." Aside from a handful of dissident fringe lunatic "principles freaks" like yours truly, our recognized "leaders" with actual reach seem seem bent on everybody marching in the Big Mitt Parade--and we know what kind of judges he'll pick.

This Day in History: February 10

It is possible you may have heard, that in the course of last summer an expedition was meditated, by our Colonel Clarke, against Detroit: that he had proceeded so far as to rendezvous a considerable body of Indians, I believe four or five thousand, at St. Vincennes; but, being disappointed in the number of whites he expected, and not choosing to rely principally on the Indians, he was obliged to decline it. [More]