Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How Are 'Conservatives' Like Bill Kristol the Lesser of Two Evils?

Keep rewarding neocons and this strain of "Republican" not only won't die out, it will flourish and take over. [Read]

Let George Do It

That's pretty funny, but I'm not sure I buy the person who wrote the first ad did so totally innocently. [Read]

Records don’t back witness for the prosecution in Reese gun case

“The government did not charge him with possession of a machine gun, or gun smuggling, or with the total amount of drugs he smuggled, or alien smuggling, or any of the other crimes he admitted to on the stand,” the report continues. “Roman admitted numerous times he is hoping for a reduced sentence for his participation in the New Deal case.” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column channels Charles Laughton to challenge a chronic and habitual LIAR!


ABC's "Authorized Journalists" not only made an unwarranted Tea Party connection, but they also totally misrepresented the mom's reaction? [Read]

When the Time is Right

You know, after November 6. [Read]

Then Katie bar the door. A lame duck Obama will be just as dangerous as a triumphant one, and in either case, we won't need radar to see the incoming bogeys.

About Last Night

Here's the video.

Candidly, it could have gone better.

We were surprised, had no idea they were going to bring Lis Wiehl on to debate us so were caught unprepared for that (the producer sent us an email late in the afternoon, but I was already on my way to the studio, and being a fossil with a clam-shell "dumb" phone, I was unaware of it until I returned home). I was glad to see I didn’t appear as totally flustered as I felt, but I'll confess I was apprehensive about watching the results.

Then again, they’re pros and we’re expected to be able to field anything hit our way—next time, and the producer said they’d be in touch, we'll be expecting the conversation to include such parrying, and now that we know they hold such viewpoints,  we can be better prepared.

This is real different from talk radio, where you have time to explain yourself, and there was one point where I wanted to respond but backed off so Mike could talk. It's very strange being picked up by a car, getting the Bondo treatment by a makeup artist, sitting unnaturally upright, staring into a lens and getting all your inputs from an ear bud. At this point, I haven't been able to overcome butterflies beforehand, surreal muddleheadedness during and shoulda-saids after. People who do it all the time make it look easy, but it is not, at least for me.

And oh yeah: It was 6,000 rounds, Lis, not 60,000.

Gun Control Advocates Need to Speak Up

You mean aside from all you hysterical, frustrated "Authorized Journalists"...? [Read]

Oh Baby That's What I Like

"Where there are opportunities for people of reasonable minds to come together and find common ground, that's the kind of legislation I like," Romney told CNBC. [More]
As a follow-up to his defense of the MA "assault weapons" ban, I'd like to know specifically what the Big Bopper here has in mind, wouldn't you, before we let him act real funny, let him spend our money...?

[Via Russ S]

Vote of the Living Dead

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's campaign is asking Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli to launch an investigation into voter-registration forms that are being sent to Virginia residents and addressed to deceased relatives, children, family pets and others ineligible to vote. [More]
Hey, as long as you don't ask them for Voter ID, what's the problem?

'Shooting Death' Kabuki

A Land Without Guns: How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths [More]

Say, here's an idea: Why not compare and publicize how gun-free Japan does to, say, the NRA, with a population of 4 million of the most heavily-armed citizens on the planet?

But then, that would effectively kill the argument that it's the guns, wouldn't it?

Unscientific AND UnAmerican

You know, publicly positing a hot button hypothesis with absolutely no supporting data to justify it, when a cursory glance at their own graphics leads to the conclusion that if there was any validity to their concerns, the results would be inescapably obvious and easily measurable...[Read]

The only reason there's heat in the imaginary debate they're trying to mix up is because someone with an agenda on their mind instead of science is f-ing around with the Bunsen burner.

You're paid to think, Mr. Scientist.

I Got Your 'Good and Substantial Reason' Right Here

If this gets upheld, things are going to get real interesting in places like California. [Read]

It also tells us something that with the media in a full court press feeding frenzy stumping for more gun control, this ruling comes down--in Maryland, of all places.

Kudos once again to SAF.  If you support their efforts, you'll help build the war chest needed to make further progress possible.

Arms Trade Treaty Text Released

Per Dave Workman:
The entire document has been posted on the website of the International Association for the Protection of Civilian Arms Rights (IAPCAR), an organization that Versnel-Gottlieb and her husband, Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and founder of SAF, were instrumental in creating.
Guess what appears to be included?

Accept No Imitations

102-year-old Tuskegee Airman gets medal replica in Torrance ceremony [More]
What am I missing?  Why wouldn't they give him the real thing?

This Day in History: July 25

General Horatio Gates assumes command of Southern Continental Army. [More]