Thursday, August 02, 2012

Hoover Retires

Yeah, I know. Workman told us that Tuesday. [Read]

Nice to see the "Authorized Journalists" catching up.

Reese family ‘not guilty’ of gun smuggling but legal troubles far from over

With all the family has suffered throughout an ordeal that now appears one created by the government as another ill-conceived publicity coup along the lines of so many others, rather than a quest for law and justice, one more draconian consequence will follow Rick, Terri and Ryin Reese for the rest of their days should they be convicted. As per United States Code, anyone “convicted in any court of, a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year” is a prohibited person, banned by federal law from owning a gun. [More
Today's Gun Rights Examiner effort notes the government doesn't have to win to still destroy you.


Kevin Starret goes one-on-one with an ineducable "educator." [Read]

Hey Kevin--I've gone six-to-one! :-)

Nah, it doesn't matter--their stupid arguments are all the same.

Missing Link Found in Washington State

No, I'm not messin' with Sasquatch.. Workman explains. [Read

Say, isn't that ol' Kelvin's stomping grounds...?

It's also the locale where I had to spike a "Gunwalker"-related story from, because my source feared retaliation and backed out on me after I'd already drafted my report.

We're the Only Ones Securing the Prisoner Enough

Two Jonesboro police officers are on administrative leave after a suspect reportedly shot himself while handcuffed in a patrol car. [More]

How did that happen?

Search me.

They say they did. Twice. 

Here's a little experiment: Hide a small squirt gun on your person. Have a significant other do a complete frisk and see if they miss it.  Have them do it again and see if they still miss it.

Here's another experiment:
He also said Carter's hands were still cuffed behind his back.
Put your hands behind your back and be sure to keep your wrists within an inch or two of each other (maybe have that significant other tie a piece of string around your wrists to simulate the restricted movement limits).  Access the squirt gun and then shoot yourself in the head with it.

[Via William T]

We're the Only Ones Anti-Psychotic Enough

That's why we show up in full battle gear with a tank against a mother and her child, ready to unleash the fury of hell if she continues to defy us and we're given the order. [Watch]

That's perfectly rational if you understand what the goal is.

[Via William T]

I Wonder if They'll Put Up a Sign?

The Honduran Congress approved a law on Wednesday that prohibits the public possession and transportation of guns in a region of the country where drug trafficking and other agrarian conflicts are blamed for the killings of more than 60 people in the past three years. [More]
I wonder if they'll be able to stop all sources of supply...?

Supply Source

Mexico's bloody drug cartels rely on assault rifles and other firearms from the United States to support their battles with rivals and army soldiers. [More]
Gee, no mention in this Reuters article about just who exactly the Zetas are.  I wonder why, "Authorized Journalist" Jared Taylor...?

What Can Brown Do For You?

But...but...but he's the lesser of two evils... [Read]


One of my best friends, now deceased, was from Massachusetts, and I know it's wrong to judge individuals as a collective, but jeez...what the hell is wrong with those people, where these two political stool samples are even up for consideration?

Thank God for David Barash!

Nothing like a self-styled smart guy showing what a small-minded, ignorant bigot he is. [More]

You'd think a guy who professes to be an expert in "peace studies" would know better than to pick a fight.

Plus he's getting his @$$ kicked by livefreeordie2 in comments.

Yo, Barash: Your lame snark ain't so much a "brainstorm" as a light drizzle, "y'all."

I'd Pay Good Money To See That

Still, why would it be a measure of "how black" someone is? [Read]

So Come on Down to Oberkapo Alcede's Ammo Emporium...

...where we throw the competition under the cattle car and pass the savings on to YOU! [Listen--and shake your head in disgust]

[Via Scott J, citing View from the Porch]

White House Fingerprints In the Issa-Grassley Report

Newell had conducted similar operations "all the time in Colombia." [More]
With special guest star, Kevin O'Reilly!

You know, the guy the White House Counsel won't let talk to the Oversight Committee.

This is that development Mike was working on that I hinted at yesterday.

José Can Say So

And he does.  And does it OK, except for that bit revealing his lack of formal training when he speculates about shooting a home intruder in the knee. [Read]

This contrasts well with my last entry, where it was pointed out a gun can be a great tool to overcome someone with much greater physical prowess.

One tired bit of snark used by those who would undermine our right to keep and bear arms is that gun owners are a bunch of cowards and weaklings, which certainly doesn't take into account that our ranks include people from all walks of life including athletes, ex-military, and men and women of unbending principle.  Canseco's thwarted (for now) wish to legally  carry a gun in CA can hardly be attributed to wimpiness of body or soul.

If a champion athlete who is "a 6'4" 250-pound martial arts expert" deems he would be better protected with a gun, how much more would someone who can't match him physically benefit?

A side note on the article's comments: Notice how dumb everyone dismissing him as dumb is?

Forever Young

Young Suspect Arrested In Armed Robbery Spree [More]
I don't care if the little thug is a minor. He'd already been arrested (and evidently released) twice before for robbery, had just victimized five more in a 24-hour span, and I submit if the "authoritahs" know a predator's in our midst, they're endangering public safety by not letting us know who he is.

There is an important  point worth taking away from all this:
“I could have easily handled him but because of the gun he had in his hand I couldn’t do anything.”
Disabled, elderly and other potential victims take note, because that door swings both ways.  An assailant's physical advantage can be overcome with one finger.