Tuesday, October 02, 2012

How Can You Tell When You're Right?

When degenerate creatures like this are your enemies. [Read]

This twisted, hate-consumed wretch can't possibly be whole, happy or loved.  It's hard for those who are to fathom such sickness.

Ain't none of us getting out of this alive, and sooner or later, something's going to take us all. Personally, I'd rather have cancer and memories of the life I've had than be this total cowardly loser.

Commercial Break

See that "In Lieu of a Tip Jar" graphic on the top left of this blog's sidebar? If you're a regular Gun Rights Examiner reader and believe you get value from it, and that the column provides news and perspectives you don't find in the mainstream media, please subscribe to the column and help spread the word by sharing links, promoting it on social media, and telling your like-minded friends about it. http://www.DavidCodrea.com.

Look Who Won an Emmy

For "Gunwalker" [View]

She carried it many places we could not, and has made many original advancements, so I think she deserves the award.  She's the one who put the story in the Big Leagues, and we'd have gotten nowhere near the coverage had she not taken it and done such excellent work. She also endured attacks from the likes of Katherine Eban and others, and stuck her neck out in an environment where she was taking a definite career risk.


Fusion Center gun tracing partnership erects structure on shaky foundation

It would be instructive to look at the partners in this venture, and to assess the likelihood it will attain the stated goals, or perhaps some unstated ones, and if it does, what that will mean in terms of measurable reductions in violent crime. That they’re patterning themselves on the “successful model…in…New Jersey” ought to raise a red flag or two right off the bat. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes "vertical integration" necessitates someone being on top.

JPRocky Mountain 3-Gun from the Whittington Center in Raton, NM‏

This week on American Trigger Sports Network:

Pursuit Channel (DirecTV 604 PRST/ Dish /Network 240 HUNT)

2:00pm PST
5:00pm EST

10:00pm PST

Fridays-Shooting Destination Night
6:00pm PST
1:00am EST/ 9:00pm EST

Waiting for Tracy

Tracy Schmaler, a spokeswoman for Attorney General Eric Holder, has not responded to a request for comment in response to this revelation. [More]
She probably considers it "specious" and "frivolous."

Plus she's probably busy feeding talking points to Media Matters.

Still no word from Katherin Eban if it was Tracy who was potentially committing a criminal act to feed her smears out of John Dodson's personnel file...

[Via DMJ]

The Media's Role in the Conversation About Guns...

...is to parrot what we want them to say and crush all dissent. [Read

Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists welcome.

Heretics need not apply.

I have a GUNS Magazine column due and have been wondering what to write about because there is so much.  I think John just gave me the springboard.

At Least We're Not Detroit!

The latest from Motor City made me recall the best thing you can say about Cleveland.

This actually gives me hope that some of the good people are getting it, and that the slogan I posted last February may take hold there in spirit and actuality:
The all-new 2012 Militia, built tough and built to last.

No Bother at All

Everybody else will no doubt be talking about the 3-D printer "loophole" being closed, so aside from decrying the uselessness of most corporate risk management attorneys and the continued lying to the public by their friendly neighborhood ATF reps, I can focus instead on the comment by "Ronin_Jim":
...what possible need is there for the 2nd Amendment now (and don't bother with the wheeze about the government being your enemy because they want to take your guns away...
OK, I won't.

In Excess

Sure be nice if gun owners with this kind of wherewithal would become angels on a couple of documentary film projects that need help if they are to become reality. [Read]

[Via bondmen]

"A Rational Basis"

See, that's what happens when you deviate from "shall not be infringed." [Read]

Arrogant official frauds in black robes can impose all kinds of irrational BS and couch it in worm-toungued weaselwords that only end up serving "substantial government interests" while wholly disregarding the primary charter "to secure the blessings of Liberty."