Wednesday, December 26, 2012

You'll Shoot Your Eye Out, Kid

Now that's  a Christmas present for a boy! As Doug Rink says via email, he even kind of looks like Ralphie. [More]

It doesn't say, but it kind of looks like Washington, D.C.

What the hell happened to this country?

How Come the "Temperance" Zealots Are So Damned Intemperate?

We just saw the tobacco analogy. So naturally, now the booze people need to put in their two cents. [Read]

Ask yourself what type of control freak thinks freedom is a vice.

Henigan is Right: Treat Guns Like Tobacco!

What a great and truly progressive idea! [Read]

I just got a box of maduros delivered by UPS. I didn't have to go through a background check or anything, and can buy as many as I want as often as I want--off the internet or over the phone, and from dealers in other states.  And while there are "No Smoking" zones, no one prohibits carrying them concealed wherever I go. And I can even have them while enjoying adult beverages!

The more I think about this, the better I like it.

A Civil Tone

Jeff Weinstein, president of the Maine Gun Owners Association, said destroying guns is an ineffective approach to reducing crime, but he urged people to be civil when expressing their opinions. [More]
Why?  We've already seen the "common ground" that results from when anti-gun sentiment prevails.  It's past time this Hammond character was reminded of the "Life is tough. It's tougher when you're stupid" truism in no uncertain terms.

And unless those discussions invoke "How about 'No'?" as the default position on "gun control," leave me out of them.  What would you rather have, an uncivil tone or a civil war?

One Man's Terrorist

I can't wait to see what they pick for their school mascot. [Read]

Message in a Bottle

Keep buying cheap crap from the latter day slavers. [Read]

The human rights advocates thank you.

[Via Jess]

Cummings seeks dismissal of Fast and Furious suit against Holder

Characterizing the committee’s actions as a “rush toward unnecessary conflict” and referring to such litigation as “unnecessary and premature,” the petitioners ignore official stonewalling now measured in years, documented lies submitted to congressional investigators, and the deliberate indifference shown by Cummings and other Oversight Democrats when publicly asked to look into allegations of waste, abuse, corruption and fraud by Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives management long before the public had ever heard about Fast and Furious. Had they provided such high-profile scrutiny, there is every possibility gunwalking attempts would not have been dared, and those killed as a result might still be alive. [More
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the latest sabotage attempt by Old Bloody Hands and his fellow administration-supporting domestic enemies.

Sauce for the Goose

...home address and phone number of Journal-News publisher...[More]
Sow the wind 'n all that...

[Via Neil W]

A "Pro Choice Liberal"

Agree. The radical nra has never met a gun they didn't like regardless of who is killed or how many. Ignorant gun culture. There are HUMANE options, and this article reiterates these people love guns more than people or children. SELF-DEFENSE works-knock a gun out of someone's hand, mace, tasers, bullet-proof vests are all HUMANE options. Time for the gun people to lose some rights-REGISTER ALL GUNS/AMMO so law enforcement can look up home # or license plate # and see how well you're armed before the NEXT tragedy happens. Also, where are the ATF stats on guns? Oh yeah, radical gun/nra people BLOCKED those. Ridiculous gun toters. Time for CHANGE!!! RESTRICT GUNS!!! [More
That doesn't sound very "pro choice" or "liberal" (in the classical sense) to me... Oh, now I get it: "War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength..."

I love hive insects like this clown. Their utter inability to mask their totalitarian sympathies does more to create opposition than any arguments I could come up with.

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

The researchers said there was no reason for long pointed knives to be publicly available at all. [More]  
How "progressive."

The good thing is, you lot won't even have to turn off the lights. The darkness you're allowing yourselves to descend into will take care of all that for you.

[Via Zachary G]

Our Bloke in the Gun Ban Camp

Mike says "Hands off Piers Morgan." [Read]

I agree, and for Mike's reasons. Old Piers fires up the gun owner base in a way Mitt Romney never could.

Not that I think the petition is anything more than symbolic anyway, but those who only see the benefits of deporting him are not considering the costs of having a fedgov empowered to be the final word in this.
It's a reverse of what the anti-gunners do, when they gin up the hysterics over  the economic "costs of guns" but omit factoring in any economic benefits.

Why Didn't We Think of This Before?

Rev. Jackson asks inmates to help end gun violence  [Read]

Yeah, that'll work! OK, everybody, we can disarm now.

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

The Voice of Calm

Now that the militia has given way to the National Guard, there remains a responsibility to accept reasonable regulation of ownership, transfer and use of firearms. [More]
Really?  "Impartial reviewer" Cook is dragging this old saw out for an audience that may not have heard it before? So we should just ignore this?
Such a reading fails to note that the Framers used the term "militia" to relate to every citizen capable of bearing arms, and that Congress has established the present National Guard under its power to raise armies, expressly stating that it was not doing so under its power to organize and arm the militia.
Mr. Pynchon?  Do you have any relevant observations about this?

I guess lies told in a calm voice are intended to provide a soothing counterbalance to all the shrieking going on.

Gee, that's funny.  Do you see a place to comment over there at The Times, so maybe readers of this book review can be set straight?  Or is anyone who regularly turns to them to stay informed a lost cause anyway?

We're the Only Ones Penetrating Enough

A gang-rape victim from Uttar Pradesh's Ambedkar Nagar, who was again violated by the investigating officer (IO) probing her case, has now alleged that she was also raped by the inspector in charge of the police station where she had lodged her complaint. While the IO was arrested on December 14, no action has been taken against the inspector. Now the victim has written to the chief minister for justice. [More]
Why? So he can have his turn?

And why isn't this surprising?

And where the hell are Rekha and  Sanjay when you really need them?

Skirting the Issue

Yeah, I'd say provocation exists. It's just probably not over the same thing this barbaric moron is focused on. [Read]

This Day in History: December 26

I have, as I then observed, a very high opinion of your merit and military talents, and hope they will not go unrewarded; but such rapid promotion as you sollicit, without some very obvious cause, would afford ground of complaint to Officers of older standing than yourself in the Army. [More]