Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Welcome to the Present

This fight will be won or lost by the way women perceive guns. [Watch]

Sorry, but that assumes a ruling or an edict will be enough to prompt surrender. This fight  will be won or lost based on willingness of serious people who understand the core purpose behind the Second Amendment to go to the wall and beyond.

I hear the "self defense" argument and the "shooting sports/fun" argument, but I'm not hearing the "women also need to claim their place in the whole people's militia" argument.

That's their liberating (and truly progressive) choice, too. 

I agree that oafs shouldn't be condescending and presumptuous. And I welcome all people becoming aware and jealous of their rights, and acknowledge there's no one-size-fits-all best way to become introduced to and immersed in them.

But we can't talk full enfranchisement for women and leave out any mention of the reason for the right in the first place.  Welcome to the present, sisters. We're going to need your skill, judgment, counsel, courage and resolve.


1 comment:

  1. Doing my best to add to the number of women willing and able to participate in their own defense at the very least - one basic pistol and self defense class at a time. I don't think any of them will be fighting against us in any case.

    But now is most definitely the time to make every effort to reach as many women as possible with the empowerment of self defense. And that can't help but lead them eventually to at least some measure of self ownership and responsibility.


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