Friday, August 23, 2013

If You See Something, Say Something

Read and watch this and seethe.  [More]

Note the naive little girl at the end who is relieved if something like this happens, the "heroes" will save  her. Just like government--create a threat and then provide the rescue--it's one of the oldest tricks in the book. It figures this whole thing was engineered by the parasite class.

Thing is, there's no lawful way I know of that people can be taken hostage in a terror situation without their knowledge that it's all kabuki and their consent to participate.

As such, and since it appears very real crimes have been committed, I figure the best way to bring those responsible to account --and to keep this nonsense from happening again-- is to report it to the proper authorities.  Isn't that what we're told we must do, instead of being "vigilantes" and taking the law into our own hands?

So I reported the crime to the FBI:

If your eyes are like mine, you won't be able to read this even if you click on it and enlarge it, so here is the text I sent them:

I wish to report a multiple kidnapping/hostage-taking situation that includes assault, battery and conspiracy, not to mention reckless endangerment.  All the evidence with leads to parties involved in the conspiracy has been video-recorded and you can view it here:    

I know of no legitimate statutory authority under which school and police officials could lawfully subject minor citizens to such treatment without knowledge and consent, and as such, the perpetrators’ motives notwithstanding, the act of displaying a weapon, taking them hostage, binding their wrists and subjecting them to terror are criminal acts that demand prosecution. Furthermore, as Ohio is a "shall issue" concealed carry state, a citizen could very well have seen this and attempted to intervene, creating a potentially lethal situation.  You are now on notice that very real terror crimes are suspected of having been committed by these boneheads. The evidence is before you and I intend to inform others that you have been notified.  I call on you to investigate this incident and, if no lawful reasons exist to sanction children being taken hostage without their knowledge or consent, I call on you to arrest and prosecute all perpetrators and co-conspirators.

Me, they'll just ignore.  Hell, they may even threaten me under the Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 1001 fines and imprisonment warning they make against "false information," but since this is true, and since it appears the SWAT team and school administrators really did engage in terrorism, I don't see how.

So in the interests of making enough noise that it can't be ignored, care to join me?

UPDATE: An evident comment from the police chief says it's all a big misunderstanding and the kids were informed.

I still don't know what the hell he means by:
Unfortunately, some of the information released to the media portrayed this as an event in which police and school officials took advantage of innocent children who had no idea that this was a mock incident.  
That tells me it was not a media error, and that they were going on information released to them by the LEOs.


  1. Done. I'll try to give you a heads up when the MRAP's roll in...

  2. The Hegelian Dialectic is alive and well - and still working on the poor innocent sheeple.

    Create a problem, provide the purported solution, and the idiocracy will love you for it.

  3. Had something similar happen right outside my door one afternoon. Gray pickup truck swerved around a school bus on my street and honked. Parked sideways blocking the bus' path. Guy got out and and started banging on the bus door screaming. Driver of the bus couldn't back up because of another car behind. I came out, announced I was armed, and drew down, and we waited until the duty officer arrived. Turns out, the guy was off duty Po Po wanting to pick up his kid on the way to dinner to avoid having to go home to pick up the kid first. Guy left with teeth marks on his ass from the local sheriff, and no one had any extra holes when all was said and done.

  4. Someone claimed that the students signed waivers knowing this was going to happen.

    Just checked ABC 12, Rossford, Ohio - didn't see any mention of any of the students knowing that it was a drill. provides a statement from Chief Goss, claiming all students were informed.

    Of course, the "drill" is entirely bogus. The bus just happens to drive into a parking lot loaded with SWAT team members with their military toys.

    Right. Pretty realistic. Another excuse to see how the funding of police with military gear is working. If this was real, people would have died.

  5. I submitted the form at the link and pasted your original text in the complaint and added this

    I know you have recieved the above text already, but wish to add my complaint to the, I hope, growing call for action regarding this outrageous, ill-conceived and flat out dangerous abuse of authority which serves no legitimate purpose. These actions did nothing to keep anybody safe and, indeed, endangered the citizenry which people in their position, and yours, are duty bound to protect.

    Can't wait to see what happens.

    Dan Knowles

  6. I hate sloppy reporting. And that TV report is sloppy. Did the kids not know? Or is a stupid reporter hyping his story beyond reality?

    Huge issues need to be addressed if students weren't in the loop from the start. What if one of the kids had popped open an emergency door and bolted from the moving bus?

  7. Lt. Greyman, NVA8/24/2013 9:03 PM

    Beslan school. Anyone who knows about this horror would react with lethal force at the taking of their children. School officials do this at their own risk.

  8. I'm thinking "paidomazoma"
    it happened in Greece IIRC,
    in the late 1940s.


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