Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lock N Load Radio

I'll be joining host Bill Frady this evening at 6 p.m. Eastern on IRN USA Radio Networks/Gun Owners of America's Lock N Load. [Listen]

There's ANOTHER App for That

Following yesterday's post, I was informed about "Posted!" available on Google Play and iTunes.

I'm also told "The same company has an app called CCW-Concealed Carry 50 that links to various states CCW laws and lists reciprocity info."

[Via Jeff W]

Trimming the Fat from the Federal Budget

Or perhaps not... [Read]

What kind of selfish Teabagger extremists would try to keep from paying their fair share...?

We're the Only Ones Driving Enough

It’s unclear whether Simo was given a field sobriety test or an alcohol breath test. [More]
Who thinks it would be unclear had you or I done this?

[Via William T]

Our View

Gun permits should remain public records [More
And naturally, it's a Gannett newspaper.

[Via Michael G]

Ready to Cave

The simplest explanation appears to be that the primary goal of the GOP "leadership" is to divide and destroy any remaining vestiges of "conservatism."  And those who aren't doing it because of what they have been promised are doing it because of what they have been threatened with. [Read]

[Via Neil W]

Next Question

Q: Why aren't you pro-choice when it comes to self-defense for women? [Watch]
A: Because Sonny Boy might get hurt.

Celia Bigelow: Thank you! Great job!

[Via Train of Abuses]

On What Charge?

A Chicago man found with a loaded gun in his car says felony weapons charges against him should be dropped because of a court ruling that tossed out Illinois' concealed carry ban. [More]
Told ya...

[Via bondmen]

Free Holster Guide

Tom McHale has made his available for free on Amazon from today through Thursday.

Click here.

And if you don't have a Kindle, no worries.

The reading apps are free, too.

An Incomplete List

They missed a known hate group that's been around for a while. [Read]

[Via Robert F]

We're the Only Ones Fantasizing Enough

The defense argued that the six-year NYPD veteran was merely engaging in sexual-fantasy "role play" and never really intended to hurt anyone. [More]

Ah, I see we no longer have to say "alleged."

He certainly sounds like he's more trustworthy to carry a gun in Furious Mike Paradise than the rest of us.

[Via Roger J]

Bucking the Quigley Paradigm

The panel approved the measure by 10-8, supported by all Democrats and opposed by every Republican. [More]
Be interesting to see if there's enough assurance of passage on the Senate floor to give the "pro-gun Democrats" like Baucus and Tester cover on this...and who the GOP Quislings will be.

[Via Bluesgal]

Taking Sides

There definitely are some bipolar behaviors exhibited from time to time. [Read]

Mark Kelly’s story on AR-15 purchase prompts skeptical open letter

“Gabby Giffords' husband, Mark Kelly, announced that he bought an assault weapon to make a point about gun control,’ the video caption explains. “He plans to sell it over state lines.” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notices another incredible spin an already unbelievable story has taken.