Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Truth in Comedy

This is just so right, it's unbelievable it came out of Hollywood.

[Via Ed D]

Danger is My Business

Weiner allegedly used the pseudonym “Carlos Danger” in the conversations, the Web site reported. [More]

And to think that this lying pervert and this lying pervert don't trust -- and want to control -- us.

Ammo Import Question

I received the following email request and confess I'm at a loss in terms for directing my correspondent where to look:
I am doing a research project about the current administration's policies regarding the importation of ammunition during the current shortage. 

As I understand it while there is a potential supply of ammunition from foreign manufacturers. However, the government has blocked (or severely reduced) the importation of ammunition from overseas. Some vendors may even have large amounts of goods (ammunition) siting in bonded warehouses being blocked from importation. The millions of dollars in high demand merchandise could be helping boost the economy and refill the depleted coffers of the government (state and federal) via taxes generated by sales.

However, I am having difficulty finding supporting documentation outside the classroom. Could you help me confirm this? Further how could I find the public records of the those shipments in customs warehouses?

If anyone has any relevant knowledge abut this, please educate us all in "Comments."

Channeling Ron Paul

Looks like we'll be getting the chance to soon. [More]

[Via Sandy D]

Dayton woman shoots home invader with handgun

There are several valuable lessons people can learn from this -- assuming they want to. [More]

Follow the Money

And so the statists are fighting back, this time with an economic attack. Defense Distributed was recently informed that JP Morgan Chase had unilaterally and without warning (or explanation) terminated their account, as had PayPal. [More]
Funny--isn't JP Morgan the same outfit that has the exclusive credit card deal with ATF and that had a sweetheart deal with a "Gunwalker" bigwig?

All with the approval of the Chief Counsel's office?

Nah, I'm sure there can't be any connection-- otherwise, the intrepid "Authorized Journalists" would have pointed these  "coincidences" out and you wouldn't be learning about them from a mere and obscure  #justablogger.

The Incredible Shrinking Coalition

If it ends like the movie, he'll dwindle away into nothingness. [More]

Me, I'm rooting for the spider.

[Via John B]

Connecticut gun group opposes anti-gun GOP candidate for governor

For someone whose legislative actions dropped him from an NRA “A+” rating in 200 to an “F” in 2010, with an eight percent key vote record in 2012, there is no appreciable difference between Republican McKinney and Democrat Malloy anyway. CCDL is taking the lead to show gun owners -- in Connecticut and everywhere else -- that coordinated activists can force change, and that their demands can define a standard office holders must adhere to -- if not out of principle then out of a basic political survival instinct. [More
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report shows how an action in Connecticut can establish a template gun owners can use in contestable elections nationwide.

"Gun Violence" Avoided

Too bad. [More]

On the plus side, by not shooting the assailant, the victim won't be hounded as a racist.

I have a dream, that those who defend themselves will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

[Via Florida Guy]  

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

I'm surprised Heidi Yewman didn't just leave her gun on the ground at a playground to "prove" the "point" she's been trying to make with her pointless public exercise in ignorance, irresponsibility and irrationality. [More]

Can't We All Get Along?

"I don't really know how credible the threats are," Johnson said. "The cowards are just leaving messages on my answering machine." [More]
Maybe the calls would stop if Man of God here would stop telling everyone your offer was "inciting racism."

We're the Only Ones "Your Money or Your Life" Enough

Two people in the car were released without charges, but officers kept the money, saying a police dog indicated drug residue on the cash. [More]
Gee, you don't say.

One Hell of a Birthday Present

Anybody have any constructive ideas/specific industry practice insights on what Mike can do about this?

This Day in History: July 23

Resolved, That the said extract of General Washington's letter, together with a letter from the superintendant of finance to the committee on the subject, be referred to the Board of War; who are directed to confer with the superintendant of finance and the cloathier, and make the best contracts in their power for procuring cloathing for the army. [More]
Also, unto us this day a child was born...Happy birthday, youngster.