Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Kasich’s office considering ‘Stand Your Ground’ petition signature request

With the side supporting the petition and protest exposed charging the political atmosphere with outright hate-filled lies, a complete airing of who they all are and why they employ such tactics to gin up fury becomes even more necessary. Besides, it’s not like people who sign a petition to a governor do so with any expectation of privacy. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report demands naming names. 

The Color Purple

GOA embraces the reality that we don't have to be from a state to send aid to their front lines. [More]

Remember that the next time you think contacting your own "safe" anti-gun rep won't help--you can always instead put the small effort into influencing one who is not so secure.  And it doesn't hurt to be able to show them you walk the talk.

We're the Only Ones Unknowing Enough

Maki Haberfeld, a criminologist at John Jay College of Criminal  Justice in New York, told CNN that police couldn’t have known whether  Carey posed a threat or not. [More]
Nice: The default position is dead until proven innocent -- execute first, find out later.

Those are their rules and they're sticking by them.  With "bipartisan" applause.


See, they love men with guns.  Even Steny Hoyer! 

As long as they're their men.

[Via Mack H]

Inconvenient Truths

Facts not only don't matter, they actually get in the way. [More]

Here's the thing: If all they really wanted was to verify a gun buyer comes up clean, and they don't really want to compile data that could be turned into a Universal Registration List, they'd probably get a lot less opposition if they proposed something like BIDS, which, in spite of its admitted infringements, would not gather any names and would actually be a marked easing compared to the NRA-endorsed NICS...

Oh, wait, that's another inconvenient truth, isn't it...?

High Risk Restaurants

Grassroots North Carolina identifies some, and tells how to help both build and reduce the list. [More]

The Spite House

Andrea Shea King notes Alinksy's Rule 5 is a sword our side can wield, too. [More]

We're the Only Ones Wiped Out Enough

A man who found a state trooper’s handgun in a northern Michigan grocery store bathroom has been charged with failing to report the weapon. But the trooper who left the loaded firearm behind wasn’t punished. [More]
Yeah, well crap flows downhill, right, and guess who considers themselves above us?

[Via William T]

Swedish Fire Torch

The only problem is, now I want some Ramen noodles with about a thousand times the RDA of sodium... [Watch]

Or not...

Y'know, ain't none of us getting out alive, so why the hell not?

Time for Common Sense Assault Spear Control

Imagine what one of these weapons of death designed to kill could do if the wielder were given 10 uninterrupted minutes in a  "No Guns" zone populated with unarmed women administrators and children. [More]

[Via Florida Guy]

Talking Guns Redux

My Sunday visit with Kate Krueger has now been posted to the Talking Guns archive. [More]

Revealing Their Agenda

Let's see, "progressive" gungrabbers...?  [More]

Oooh, I know, I know!

Death camps and mass graves, right?

We're the Only Ones Stripping Enough

There are eight million stories in the Naked City. This has been one of them. [More]

Hey, if they own you, they own your body. You got a problem with that?

Terry Family Say Let Dodson Publish

Many of you have sent me links to reports that BATFU is putting the kibosh on whistleblower John Dodson's personal recounting of Fast and Furious.  I've been busy with my own stuff, and as per consistent practice throughout since Mike and I set out on this particular journey, try to only write columns about "Project Gunwalker" when I have some original information or observations, as opposed to just rewriting what others uncover.

Because I have no information on this latest development aside from what others have reported on, I won't be writing a Gun Rights Examiner column about the Terry family's just objection to this latest transparent act of government CYA and censorship. Besides, Katie Pavlich brings us up to date nicely, complete with quotes from the Terry family spokesman.

UPDATE: Here's the ACLU's position.

We've found common ground before.  They can be useful in an VLLA SELLA IN PVGNA IN TABERNA kind'a way...

Let's Put This Into Context

So let’s put this in context.  Let’s say that gun rights writer, advocate and reliable journalist and friend David Codrea wrote me and said, “I’ve decided that I am going to support universal background checks, and I think I can talk everyone else of our ilk into the same idea.” [More]
Just to put it into context, on that day, feel free to present me with a Julius Streicher Award.

And the reason you didn't find a post about Kurt's lavish hedonistic excesses is because you didn't search for "Victoria's Secret models" and "yacht."

Some Say Ol' Remus is a Child-Molesting Racist Junkie Working for the Feds

...others say Oath Keepers was a sting from the beginning and this is the throw of a wider net. As always, half of what we hear is disinformation, we just don't know which half...This startling move by the Oath Keepers may be what it appears to be, or it may be a secret provision of the Patriot Act. After all, no competent tyranny lets their opposition run the opposition. [More]
So, Ol' Remus: Have you stopped beating your sex slave son long enough to cash your government check?

See how easy that was?

You pass along unsubstantiated allegations, made solely by those with an axe to grind, smearing the work, the motivations and the character of others with absolutely no evidence?

And you fling you feces from behind a mask, right down to proxy registration?

I have no problem with internet anonymity--until such time as those sniping from the shadows call the reputations of real people who stand behind their brand names into question.  At that point, if you're not willing to step forward so we can weigh what your skin in the game is, the one who should be distrusted becomes you.

UPDATE: An Unwarranted Response?

I Got Your Kid Gloves Right Here

You try that crap outside of New York, and the judgment may result in the content of your character being spattered all over the street.  [More]

True Statement Hits Close to Home

"This could have been handled without any fanfare.'' [More]
Yes, it could have.If the Oberlin antis hadn't been such headless d!cks about it.

But even now, they continue to offend, trying to impose their will on everyone under force of state arms, so screw 'em.

And the best these Eloi have to offer to maintain their childlike, mystical denial of reality is a "peace pole"?  Seriously?  Those work better than "No Guns" signs?

Hey, aren't those the creation of the The World Peace Prayer Society?

So prayers from those "enlightened" with New Age "spiritualism" are good?

Didn't the ACLU and a Wisconsin group of "progressives" just successfully sue an Ohio school district into removing a picture of Jesus because "students and visitors to the school 'will continue to suffer permanent, severe and irreparable harm and injury'”?

But...but...but... I thought "progressives" were all about "home rule"...

I guess that just means they demand to rule your home.

And I'm afraid that will result in a bit more than mere fanfare.

A Key Distinction

I guess school anti-bullying policies don't apply to those running them. [More]

This Day in History: October 8

The Commander in Chief is extremely sorry to see that notwithstanding there is a plenty of wood in the vicinity of the different incampments a practice prevails of burning rails and thereby adding to the distresses of the inhabitants who have sufficiently suffered by the ravages of war. He calls in the most express manner upon the commanding officers of Corps to put a stop to so pernicious a practice. [More]