Tuesday, April 29, 2014


NSSF has learned today that the U.S. State Department has made a “policy decision” to limit the export of 30 round and higher capacity magazines solely to government, law enforcement and military end users. The policy is expected to be posted to the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) website this week. NSSF will provide updates on this policy development as more information becomes available. [More]
The mask is off.


  1. this reminds me of hitler

  2. Disgusting coward our dictator in chief.

  3. So, help me here. We're talking about exports, right? Doesn't affect imports, right?

    That means Aim Surplus, et.al. will still be offering those ComBloc mags. So, what's the problem? We're not exporting them to other countries? No biggie.

  4. No biggie on unilateral piecemeal implementation of the unratified Arms Trade Treaty? You see no danger in staying silent as Obama admin. takes an incremental piece here & an incremental piece there? Should NSSF have just not posted anything about this?

  5. They (the freedom destroyers) start with the easy to reach fruit, generating headlines then gradually go for the higher up goodies; by the time things we all really care about are infringed, there's been so much publicity most folks have either tuned out or are paying no attention at all! Incrementalism is a time tested strategy for collectivists and national socialists everywhere.

  6. Apparently KY's education system isn't just poor...its reading comprehension is abysmal as is the ability to critically think.

  7. What was really just done was to limit abilities of our businesses that make these magazines to compete with other businesses internationally. Nothing more.

  8. I don't agree that it "just affects exports". It is part of the culture war to stigmatize standard-capacity long gun magazines, so they can eventually ban them domestically.

  9. Anon @ 11:08.

    I did ask someone to point out the problem. I was curious as to why this warranted ALL CAPS.

    So, really, anon... Fuck you. My reading comprehension is just fine, asshole.

  10. Easy there, all. The reason the headline is all caps is because I am overworked and in a hurry. I went to the NSSF site this is linked to and just copied and pasted THEIR headline and didn't feel like going through the hassle of converting it because I was rushed to complete a project deadline that kept me working 'til late. I just posted this one as a quickie. Hence the minimalist commentary.

  11. Thanks for reporting this, David.

    This may not have a direct impact on you or I right now, Mike, but this is another one of those "Obama's pen" moments where fiat policy is infringing on a Creator-granted right.

    I see knowledge of this being more useful in the future, at the criminal trials.


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