Thursday, June 12, 2014

I, Sellout

I know about CheaperThanDirt! folks.  I've been critical of them before, and before that.  And they know it. I also know that they stopped selling ammo to California government agencies, and that they are willing to give me a platform where I can reach many more. Plus, not that I expect any understanding, but this will help me feed my family.

I see some people don't like it. Well gosh. Others don't like my writing for Examiner because they refuse to learn how to navigate the internet with a reliable and easy to activate pop-up blocker. Still others don't like my other outlet of gun magazines, because they're perceived as beholden to their advertisers. I notice no one is providing alternative options. Most never even share my GRE links.

I guess I could starve, which I'm practically doing anyway.  Or, I could just accept that I'll not only never please everybody, I'll  even piss some people off.

If you don't like CTD, it's real simple. Don't do business with them. I'll not ask anyone to change their mind.

Anybody upset by my accepting this new gig, you may as well unfriend and boycott me, too. I'm on social media for one reason only, and that's to propagate the work. I'll continue on with that work without anyone who isn't satisfied with that and who wants to focus on this grievance instead.


  1. I certainly don't see it as a sellout. You're not changing your message to fit CTD, you're just adding a platform. If someone doesn't like it? Joke 'em if they can't take a f**k.

  2. Some things are not to be compromised... some things are not so black and white.

    Why would anyone be against another platform to spread your message. One which is important to all of us (why come to here if it's not?)

    And if these people wish to disagree they are entitled to their opinion, they are not entitled to bully others with it.

    I don't like MSNBC but I'd be in favor of a column by you in it...

    I guess what I'm saying is Congratulations on adding another (paying?) outlet.

    Keep up the great work.

    PS What David said too!

  3. Screw all the arm-chair whiners. Bitching about losing rights, and flaming one of the best advocates and messengers in the business.

    If they got off their collective asses and actually did something other than bitch, we'd likely be in a better position.

    Oh, and thirdsies on what David said above.

  4. I always love your work and spread it to others when I can. I am not on social media of any kind, which I know I should change, but I do post them in the comment sections and email and text them to others.

    Thanks for all of the great work that you do! Don't let a couple clowns whining with complete economic ignorance about what "gouging" is discourage you. These are the same people who would whine during a natural disaster that all of the stores are out of stock on food, not understanding that if prices aren't raised when demand explodes, no supply will exist.

    For the gun related companies, it was even worse because they had no idea if they would even be in business anymore, or when supply would ever come back to them. It isn't the fault of people selling products for several times the price - if the demand for it had not been there, nothing would sell. But quite obviously, the demand was there, and those people were happy to be able to buy what they wanted.

    This is econ 101, and it is rather embarrassing that people on the pro gun side of things don't even know this much. One of them waited until the newtown rush to buy an ar15 and mags? Hopefully he learns next time to prepare ahead of time instead of during the middle of a stampede. For anyone reading, now is a good time to buy a Colt AR at wal mart for a grand instead of waiting until the next Newtown happens.

    Frankly, if you were given a spot on huffington post or the everytown website, I would still read and be happy you had a new audience. If those people dislike cheaper than dirt so much, how about they subsidize your salary? I wish you would take donations for all of the valuable work you do!

  5. Haters gonna hate.

    Screw 'em.

    Well done on the new gig.

  6. Just tell those wankers to sod off!!

    MD Brown

  7. Congrats on the new gig, David. CTD is dead to me, but your contributions to the cause are invaluable.


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