Thursday, August 07, 2014

Crocodile Tears

We were saddened today to hear of the death of James Brady...[More]

Why?  What "good" did he do?

They're still using the guy to try to disarm us.

Do you think any of them will be genuinely "saddened" when any of us die?  Hell, they're probably praying it will be a "gun death" so they can dance and gloat.

Do you people really think this is merely a political disagreement, and at the end of the day we're all family? Do you not understand  those intent on establishing a monopoly of violence mean for us to be absorbed or be destroyed?

Do you not understand that, true to their "Every day is Opposite Day" nature, Prozis who accuse gun owners of being haters are consumed with hatred?

If you don't, what the hell are you doing posing as leaders? If you do, does anyone over at NSSF think insincere "high road decency" is going to change that?

A notation without phony editorial sentiment is all that was needed.

They don't want our sympathy. They want our surrender.

It was phony, wasn't it? Because that statement of support for "instant gun control" sure makes me wonder...

[Via Kevin Starrett]


  1. "We were saddened today to hear of the death of James Brady."

    How sweet of them. In a way, I'm glad because his physical suffering is over. Too bad he didn't take a few other with him. For the company.

    The gun haters are invoking his name to get donations. That's about as low class as it gets.

  2. MC: I know heroes, proven better men than I am, who are physically disabled in much the same way.


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