Thursday, August 07, 2014

We're the Only Ones Lawless Enough

“Obama just decimated the freakin’ Constitution, so I don’t give a damn. If he doesn’t follow the Constitution, we don’t have to.” [More]

So you don't have to follow "the supreme Law of the Land"?

That which was enacted "to secure the Blessings of Liberty"...?

To cite another document, where do you "derive... [your] just powers" from?

And if they don't protect the people from you, what exactly is it you think protects you from the people?

[Via Neil W]


  1. "And if they don't protect the people from you, what exactly is it you think protects you from the people?"

    Precisely. Too many of the JBT crowd fail to realize that if it's ok for them to make up their own rules, then it's ok for me too...and they will probably not like my rules.

  2. He resigned today:


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