Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Gun ‘study’ suggests agenda ‘science’ with omission of key considerations

That makes it awful tough to distill everything down and blame guns, particularly without comparing lethal outcomes in the criminal population with lethal outcomes in households that do not engage in abusive conduct. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner column notes the most significant data is often that which is omitted. Y’know, there’s a reason why STD rates among streetwalkers and johns aren’t reflective of those within monogamous couples.

We're the Only Ones Shopping Enough

Damn if this doesn't happen to me all the time, too, but in fairness, this is only his second one. [More]

And Leonard Urban: You crack me up!

Snowden...Paging Mr. Snowden...

From a pal of mine:
You know it just struck me that given ... the domestic spying issues of late has anyone considered that DOJ may be actively getting attorney client and defense strategy from these spying programs???? Has anyone in congress asked DOJ? NSA? Is this not a worthy question?
Hey, it doesn't hurt to ask--but who and how?  There is a person who's the logical one to ask, but it's not exactly like Edward Snowden is an easy guy to approach these days. So I sent this to the Freedom of the Press Foundation (lefties, of course, but VLLA SELLA 'n all that):

Run Ben Run?

The solicitation email that sent me to this site promised:
Right to Keep & Bear Arms. It’s a vital part of our Bill of Rights! End of story! We will not stop criminals by disarming Americans. 
Pardon me if I defer to Kurt on this:
But when asked whether people should be allowed to own “semi-automatic weapons,” the doctor replied: “It depends on where you live.”
These people just don't get it, but they think by throwing some pandering words into their fundraising pitches, enough Lee Greenwood types will open their wallets.

And they're right about that.

Chasing the Red Dot

Heading up to the State House in a bit. Yet a-frickin-gain, the Dem are floating yet another anti-RKBA bill: HB 1589-FN, AN ACT requiring background checks for all firearm sales, in its entirety. Also known as universal background checks, or universal preemptively-prove-your-innocence. Representatives Hall, 1:15PM. [More]
 Why? Because they hate you.

The Surge

There were 6,198 checks run for private gun sales from July, when the expanded background check kicked in, through December. [More]
That hardly tell us how many private sales there actually were, now does it? 

[Via cydl]

We're the Only Ones Rosy Enough

Hey, put that "uptick in homicides in context." [More]

Shoplifting's down some.

Besides, Dotson's "Have Fun Without Guns" slogan is almost as inspiring as "Whip Inflation Now" and "Just Say No."

And every bit as effective.

[Via Rich S]

Not Without a Fight?

The LWRC rep told me that CA is the company’s largest civilian market, so it’s clear that they’re not going to just let it go without a fight. [More
The very existence of such an outrageous workaround tells me they already have.

Phase Two: Kevin De Leon will demonize this as a "ghost magazine." 

Threat Response

Polensek said Cleveland police received a phone call yesterday from an unidentified woman who said she had been told that Polensek was going to be killed. [More]

I'm trying to decide how much I care about a guy who abuses his political power to try to make it harder for me to defend myself and my loved ones.

We're the Only Ones Speaking the Universal Language Enough

The guy didn’t seem to speak English. [More]
S'OK. We'll get him to savvy just fine.

Besides, he shouldn't jaywalk. He might get hurt.

We're the Only Ones Condition White Enough

Great situational awareness there, Oblivia de Havilland... [More]

Does Dallas PD still use "service revolvers"? 

[Via Florida Guy]

Ye Shall Know OUR "Truth"

In reading the Gawker article by Adam Weinstein, one can’t help but wonder if the piece wasn’t the product of a bet challenging Weinstein to achieve utter perfection in getting every facet of the subject matter wrong. [More]
It doesn't matter, because guess whose talking points will get repeated exposure...?

And whose won't...?

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Over-Bearing Enough

Herschel looks at some award-winning official "animal rights " terrorists. [More]

This Day in History: January 21

We are in a poor situation to contend with a very superior force. Our men are almost naked for want of overalls and shirts, and the greater part of the army barefoot. We have no rum, or prospect of any; none within four hundred miles of us, and little or none providing in Virginia ; and if there were ever so much there, the difficulty of transportation would prevent our getting it, as we were four weeks without ammunition since we have been in the lower country, and a plenty of this article waiting at Charlotte for the means of transportation. Had the enemy got knowledge, and availed themselves of our situation, they might have ruined us. [More]