Thursday, February 06, 2014

Still No Justice

By golly, I might just hold my breath. [More]

Post No Bills

A Burleson County Grand Jury declined to indict the man who shot and killed a Burleson County Sheriff's Feputy [sic] who was serving a search warrant in December. [More]
So much for "no knock" raids being safer...

[Via Scott W]

Demanding Moms ‘go postal’ on Rand Paul amendment to USPS bill

In the absence of rational contributions to bring to the table in terms of real solutions to criminal violence, perpetuating myths, lies and insults against those they hate, and stirring up virtual mobs of ignorant and angry fellow travelers, is really all these people have -- except for Michael Bloomberg’s money, of course. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes there's a certain irony to raving Bloomberg Moms (BMs) shrieking about other people “going postal.”

"A Pro-Gun Reader"

Indeed, one pro-gun reader, Malcolm Smith, told me that after reading “about the death toll, especially to children” in The Gun Report, he had come to believe that some gun regulation was necessary.[More]
It's no surprise that DGUs don't factor in to Joe Nocera's "reporting" for the sinking tub that's viewed by its own people as the Ship of Fools.

Still, I'd like to see just what Malcolm Smith's"pro-gun bonafides are, and if they're any better than Average Joe's or "Jerry Thompson's."

Let's see what Malcolm's track record is, and maybe test how much he actually knows.

Gee, I wonder why Nocera didn't flesh that out for us...?

Good Question

It's one I've asked, myself... [More]

Of course, I don't limit it to gun companies.

I have a tangentially-related GUNS Magazine piece that's going to be posted any day now...probably as soon as I get done posting this if my PSH timing holds out...

About that "National Conversation on Guns"

I'm still trying to think of an appropriate response to "Surrender or die" that doesn't start with an "F"... [More]

[Via John B]

We're the Only Ones "What's the Big Emergency?" Enough

‘Ridiculous’: How a Firefighter Ended Up in Handcuffs While Helping Victims at Scene of Serious Car Accident [More]
Hey, he's lucky he didn't get all choked up.

Besides, it's standard department protocol to let everyone know who's in charge in situations like this.

[Via William T]

February vBlast

The latest from FFLGuard... [Watch]

I just got done showing what results these guys can produce. Who wants to bet me that will be my last such report?

If you're an FFL or know one you care about, learn more now.

And no, this is not a paid ad. I've explained my interest before.

Gray Lady Down

I can't wait for them to hit crush depth. [More]

The Bonus Army

What a morale boost! [More]

Hey, I just thought of a new slogan for them:
IRS: Not just "swarms of Officers," happy "swarms of Officers"
I'll bet just looking at the smiles on their faces makes you feel all warm inside too.

The Guardian at the Gate

Imagine what flying would be like without Jeno on the front lines to keep us all safe! [More]

Liar Liar

Right. He won't tweet a word about guns. [More]

It looks like this guy is actually doing in front of the Senate what Joycelyn Elders only talked about...

Meanwhile, our "leaders" are as on the ball as ever:

And that's after this foreign import has been publicly thumbing his nose at them.

You Fairfax guys are planning on making this a scoring issue, right? Or has Wayne's "true champion of the Second Amendment" Harry Reid and all those "pro-gun Democrats" ensured a foregone conclusion that you now don't want to "waste political capital" on?

This Day in History: February 6

My sentiments, in general, respecting the necessity of perfect unanimity among ourselves, in order to give energy & decision to our collective efforts against the enemy, are too well known to be insisted upon: for I have had frequent occasion to repeat, that it was my most fervent wish, that all grounds of jealousy & dispute between any districts of Inhabitants of the United States which were at variance might be removed by an amicable adjustment of their differences; and that, in my opinion, moderate measures (so long as they can be pursued with propriety) are much more likely than violent ones to produce such a salutary effect... [More]