Now Trooper Daniel Martin, who placed his hands around the neck of a paramedic, is now the subject of an internal investigation, although he and his partners remain on duty. [More]Be sure and watch the video, too.
Yep, even EMTs rushing patients to the hospital must bow and grovel before the mighty "Only Ones."
Keep winning friends and influencing people, boys. Don't worry, I'm sure hand throttling a man's windpipe is approved department procedure. Especially as you endanger the life of a citizen in need of critical aid, who, for all you know, could die from any delay of treatment.
But more important everybody respect your authoritah.
Keep drawing more and more previously unengaged citizens into your embrace.
Squeeze, baby, squeeze.
Until our eyeballs bleed.[Via Tom S]
UPDATE: CTone sends us the paramedic's written attestation.
that wasnt a choke hold, it was a hand to larnyx distraction tecnique.
My new catch phrase that I am spreading far and wide: "there is nothing here that can't be cured by some tall trees and short ropes"
Gee...while working as an EMT in charge at an accident scene, the first arriving State Trooper reported to me that the accident was obstructing traffic. I directed the trooper to assist me by preventing passing vehicles from injuring people (other EMTs and accident victims) on site. He did not like being told what to do. I reminded him that I was in charge there, not him. This further upset him. I then directed him to call his supervising officer, so that I could have his supervisor orient him to the reality of the situation, and assured him that further interference and lack of copperation on his part would be pursued vigorously on my part. I did not yield. Excellent traffic control ensued, as well as thorough documentation of the exchange in the written report.
Those Paramedics need to contact the FBI and te OK Attorney General's office personally for violation of their civil rights as well as for the interference with the paramedic charge.
BTW, the Massachusetts court system has decided that giving the finger to an officer is Constitutionally protected Free Speech covered by the 1st Amendment. A friend of mine and I asserted that to a Massachusetts State Police Officer who pulled over our private vehicle more than 30 years ago with humorous (to us) results. Yes, we did tell the trooper that we did give the finger to the a**hole driving the car that was tailgating us and flashing his highbeams on I-95 before the lights and siren were turned on. In response to his threat of arrest, we told him that we welcomed the opportunity to pursue siezure of his assets (his mome, car, boat, etc.) for damages following our successful civil suit for civil rights violations.
This is sickening. The Goons demand obiesance.
Be aware, Johnny Law, that as you continue to treat mere mortals as "the enemy", their opinion of you will be solidified the same way.
As you sew, so also shall you reap.
Dear Paramedic,
Next time, let the family have them. Other LEOs will see and learn fast.
I hope you don't go to jail for assaulting the officer's hand with your throat.
I was driving my girlfriend's parents Olds 98, a very cushy and soundproof car, on a country road in N.C. once. The radio was on and we were talking. A state trooper zoomed up fast. He dodged over into the left lane and passed almost before I knew he was there. I nearly had a heart attack. I wondered if I had been speeding or what. I don't, but strange car.... I was so relieved and told everyone so.
Then a deputy pulls me over. More emergency vehicles were heading the same way. That seemed very unlikely out in the boonies.I hadn't seen any lights or heard any sirens.
He was fairly polite. (This was about 20 years ago.) He gave me a verbal warning about the NC law requiring traffic to pull over for emerency vehicles. I apologized and he left. I hope they didn't need him at the actual emergency...
I thank God still that I wasn't made an example like in videos we see today.
I kid you not, I woke up this morning thinking "What if I saw an incident on the side of the road, with three or four cops wailing on a man with batons as he tried to surrender?"
Would I drive on, thankful it wasn't me?
No. I wouldn't. Neither would I be videotaping.
Hey OHP & Other LEOs;
How fast do you think EMS is going to "respond" to you when you're the one on the ground needing them when they are treated like this? Think about it. Maybe you should do some "in house" cleaning?
First of all, what idiot pulls over an ambulance in the first place?!?!
2nd- major lawsuit if Mama incurred further injury as a result of the delay.
3rd- you're not God. We still have free speech in this country.
And last- like YeOldFurt said... next "officer down" call that goes to EMS is going to be WAY down the priority list, somewhere below wiping ass and doing IV fluid inventory.
Heaven forbid an AMBULANCE HEADED TO THE HOSPITAL doesn't yeild to the almighty LEO's.
It is fortunate for the ambulance driver that the State Highway Patrol officer was only mistaken in thinking he had received a rude hand gesture instead of thinking that he had mistakenly seen the driver brandishing a handgun or pulling the pin on a hand grenade or aiming a Stinger at his cruiser or that the driver had somehow commandeered an armored tank and disguised it as an ambulance with the intention of blowing up the new Federal building in Oklahoma City.
The ambulance driver's resultant death and the fiery crash of his vehicle may have triggered a police peer review and such embarrassing events are frequently known to upset the officer being investigated. Isn't the one in question obviously suffering enough job-related stress already?
One must wonder how many officers' deaths assholes like 606 will cause before it is all over.
Oh yeah, one more thing. They don't need the OHP, nor the state's Atty Gen. to do a damn thing. This incident happened in the Creek Nation and the Nation can arrest these sonsofbitches and deal with them.
The state and the nations generally work together and have formal agreements but in the nations the tribes are the final word.
WHEEEE-yah! My cousins who are there in OK in the first place because of the Trail of Tears death march exile from their ancestral lands in the Southeast. I bet they have the correct attitude. Love to see how they handle it.
What we have here is federal money pouring into local LE departments with strings attached. During the test the worst goons are selected to become cops. They want JBT to put fear into the citizens. They want rage put into the citizens as well. My hunch is the international bankers want nothing more than for us to be fighting against each other while they sit back and watch the show.
These two cops are chicken shit punks to their most inter core of who they are as people. Pure scum and nothing but.
Yeah Defender, that's the same way my family got to Oklahoma. Hopefully the Creek Nation will do the right thing.
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