Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Nugent AR-15 giveaway neglects Tancredo’s anti-gun past

“Sometimes, I stop and think, ‘Boy, have I changed since Columbine,’” The Times report quoted Tancredo. "Guns are an issue. They did take children's lives.'' [More]
This afternoon’s Gun Rights Examiner report asks would you rather win a rifle or secure the right to own one?

Securing the Blessings of Liberty

Here's another video documenting the Ares Armor raid

Hey, they're just following orders... it's not like there are any explicit "shall not be infringed" requirements these guys swore an oath to follow...

[Via Andrea Shea King]

UPDATE:  Here's another essential video:

[Via everrest]

It's Not Just About the Second Amendment

But some seem bent on making that the deciding factor. [More]

Democrat AG plays race card to halt bribery probe on ‘mental’ anti-gun rep

That “the lead agent on the ... case is African American,” as is Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams, who denounced Kane’s reasons as “ridiculous,” and that the lobbyist “approached a wide range of officials, from both parties, black and white,” have been ignored in what is clearly a political decision subverting accountability to the public and the law on the part of AG Kane, ostensibly the highest law enforcement official in the state. Using her "rationale," no investigations or prosecutions may be conducted if it turns out the only ones engaging in incriminating behavior turn out to be black. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes not only are the inmates running the asylum, the criminals are demonstrably running the government. No wonder they desperately want to render us defenseless.

I HOPE I Played a Role

Kurt talks Murthy. [More]

Mike has the inside skinny from someone in the know in re "ankle-biters."

It's not the first time those posturing as our leaders have had to be dragged kicking and screaming by insistent little yappers.

And it won't be the last.

UPDATE: Not everyone agrees.

Who Says Schools Don't Provide a Good Education These Days?

Still wanna be a cop, kid, and do this to other people? [More]

Can you imagine being Jerome Brockway?

[Via Maureen]

How Very Telling

Malloy wants you to do felony time for possessing property he doesn't want to allow you to have, while his son, the armed robber/prohibited person, does no time. [More]

We're the Only Ones Unquestioned Enough

Recognize the difference, let the professionals do their jobs, and keep your second guessing to yourselves. [More]
Wow, what a jackbooted oinker. No wonder The "Authorized Journalists"withheld his name, which I note they don't do with mere mundanes who write letters (and doesn't that just show whose side they're on?).

If you think about it, that's a good thing -- as good as "Lefty" going into hiding.

This Day in History: March 18

All our Trouble and anxiety abt the Bills payable here this Month has been in vain they are protested.[More]