Friday, May 30, 2014

'Star Power' Explains Double Standard on Guns

It's curious that for an institution that relies so heavily in guns, for their commercial value when used as entertainment props and thematic elements, to making sure their own privileged carcasses are protected, Hollywood as a whole is so overwhelmingly anti-gun... [More]
My latest JPFO Alert notes some animals are more equal than others.  Way more.

OFA's James Taylor concert discriminates against undocumented and minorities

In other words, according to OFA, it should be way easier to vote than to attend their James Taylor Backstage Pass concert. Well, after all, what’s more important?

And seeing James requires essentially the same scrutiny as buying a gun? [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes if you don’t enter, you can’t be required to produce government ID and subjected to a background check. Or something like that.

One Question

“Not one more.” [More]
OK, how?

Flesh it our for us, including when you can present a consensus from your fellow gun-grabbers that"it" will be "enough."

You never do and never will.  And every one of you would be utterly useless against a repeat.

That's gotta be the stupidest, most misdirecting and absolving of the real cause slogan since "Whip inflation now."

[Via Mack H]

UPDATE: There are some not safe for work comments that demonstrate what head cases "tolerant" Prozis are. Hey, every day is Opposite Day with them, remember?

UPDATE TWO: Another question -- should I hit "send"?
 [Click to enlarge]

When Hammers Are Outlawed

And it was one of those assault hammers, with no legitimate boarding purposes... [More]

[Via Geordan]

We're the Only Ones Assertive Enough

The statement from the sheriff's office corrected an earlier assertion that deputies were unaware of the videos when they checked on him on April 30. [More]
You mean the Bill Brown machine lied to obscure the truth for reasons of self-interest?

Say it ain't so!

[Via Geordan]

We're the Only Ones Grilling While Armed Enough

Baby back ribs, "Only Ones" style... [More]

Just following an established department recip... uh... protocol.

[Via JM]

Asphyxiation Games

Choking, eh? [More]

Maybe there's a reason the power perverts associate the practice with porn.

We're the Onlly Ones Regime-Based Enough

This article is from January 2012, but I just read it last night.  It's very insightful, and I believe it should be widely read and shared. [More]

[Via cycjec]

Why Won't They Listen to Me???

The Gun-Law Improvements That No One Is Taking Seriously [More]
That's probably because they're stupid, we're not going to be scapegoated and give another inch, and no one who is rational and aware can take you seriously, Adam.

We're the Only Ones "Practice Makes Perfect" Enough

This isn't the sergeant's first OVI accusation.[More]
Say, he's getting pretty  good at this!

[Via Sweet Baboo]

Gloria All Red

She agreed that male chauvinism is clinically defined “mental illness,” and that those who suffer from it are themselves victims as much as are those upon whom they inflict abuse. [More]
Thanks, Glo! So where do those of us knuckle-draggers who harbor the primitive self-delusion that there are differences sign up for disability payments? And what can I demand and who can I sue?

There's a syllogism in here somewhere with every day being Opposite Day for "progressives" and Gloria being a "feminist"...

Why We Need to Disarm Marine Vets

To keep outrageous injustices like this from happening. [More]

We're the Only Ones Coming to Grips Enough

"We've been given a video of you apparently pleasuring yourself in your office here at the school. This is what the video shows, and I need to ask you about that." [More]

So he's an ipsemetsexual. What's wrong with that? What happened to embracing diversity? Aren't we trying to free "our children" from the hang-ups of the past, and didn't "progressive" former Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders prescribe teaching just this very thing as the cure?

He oughtta sue for discrimination.  Especially if it's a compulsion, making this a disability qualifying for "entitlement benefits."

Besides, it's not like starting them off at "Pre-K" isn't part of a plan that's been implemented and evolving, with an eye toward the future.  At which point the Prozis will be able to throw out insults like "pediatriphobe" to shame and scorn the backward and intolerant among us.

Qué Pasa

I'm sure Alfred Flatow will be relieved to hear how improved Nazi gun laws were, dolt editor on page A-6.  [More]

As much as you Prozis try to disassociate yourself from National Socialists and lie  (which is what you do) to tie them in with U.S. Constitutionalists, you'll never be able to except with the profoundly ignorant and the deluded.

[Via Nelson W]

Web is Hell

It must be terrible to suffer from PTSD (Paltrow Theatrical Superficial Distress). [More]

No wonder she's so demanding.

We're the Only Ones Unlimited Enough

Seattle Police Sue to Stop New Limits on Force [More]
But...but...but...Mayor Murray has already got everything prepared...

It's almost like the agenda Holder fronts for only uses Prozi idiots until such time as he finds it advantageous to discard them...

This Day in History: May 30

Majr James Rogers has been in here and is gone back Satisfied that Most of the leading men in Vermont will not oppose Brittish Goverment I believe he will not find it true tho, many are gone back this Town and Some ajacent Stand fast we Exspect Trouble [More]