Thursday, June 12, 2014

We Get Archived

The JPFO website has set up archives where you can get to the works of its individual writers.

See the blue tabs?

This one's mine.  But if you just go to the main page, it's an easy click to get to everyone's.

Myrtle Beach police seek suspect in Target gun case

Today’s development with Dennis makes it appear to be a criminal act unrelated to larger goals, although that will not be determined until he is apprehended. It also makes it clear that lawful gun owners cannot be rationally held responsible for his alleged actions. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes a suspect has been identified, and lo and behold, it appears this isn’t the fault of gun owners (as opposed to criminal gun possessors).

And yeah, I saw the title typo and fixed it...

An Old Demanding Single Mom

Oh you demand that, do you? [More]

Hold on, I'll get right on it.

Keep holding. Really.  Your satisfaction is important to me.

I, Sellout

I know about CheaperThanDirt! folks.  I've been critical of them before, and before that.  And they know it. I also know that they stopped selling ammo to California government agencies, and that they are willing to give me a platform where I can reach many more. Plus, not that I expect any understanding, but this will help me feed my family.

I see some people don't like it. Well gosh. Others don't like my writing for Examiner because they refuse to learn how to navigate the internet with a reliable and easy to activate pop-up blocker. Still others don't like my other outlet of gun magazines, because they're perceived as beholden to their advertisers. I notice no one is providing alternative options. Most never even share my GRE links.

I guess I could starve, which I'm practically doing anyway.  Or, I could just accept that I'll not only never please everybody, I'll  even piss some people off.

If you don't like CTD, it's real simple. Don't do business with them. I'll not ask anyone to change their mind.

Anybody upset by my accepting this new gig, you may as well unfriend and boycott me, too. I'm on social media for one reason only, and that's to propagate the work. I'll continue on with that work without anyone who isn't satisfied with that and who wants to focus on this grievance instead.

A Stunning Development in the Annals of Journalism!

CNN questions Everytown "school shooting" claims! [More]

I see Workman mentions Charles Johnson, who will be Mark Walters' guest discussing this very issue in a special Armed American Radio program this Sunday.

The Cliff of Insanity

When this Schecter noisemaker personally leads the dynamic entries, I'll be impressed. [More]

Nobody watched who isn't already in agreement.
[Via Michael G]

Boys will be Boys

Oh, look, "progressive" ad hominem attacks!  How unique and clever! [More]

Would we expect any less from Adam Weinstein?

[Via Mack H

I Have a Better Idea

Let's not. [More]

I thought he was smarter than this. Talk about a guy who can't afford to...uh...alienate...

Cheaper Than Dirt! Announces New Writers, New Product Lines, and Free Stuff

Over 1.4 million opt-in subscribers receive The Chronicle on a weekly basis and over 1 million visitors enjoy the The Shooter’s Log each month. In the coming weeks Cheaper Than Dirt will announce new additions to its stable of award-winning authors—a preview of just a few include David Codrea, Glen D. Zediker, Bryce M. Towsley and Robert Sadowski. [More]
In addition to everything else, of course...

This Day in History: June 12

Provisions are so scarce here, that I am obliged to send boats down for rice. You will send by express thirty barrels, from whoever may have it, without regard of public or private property or engagements. If Heriot and Tucker have any by them, it must be taken from them, notwithstanding anything they may say, for without a supply I must move down, which would be of the worse consequence, until I can fully see the treaty properly executed. [More]