Thursday, December 04, 2014

Molen Labia

Ron Molen, that is. [More]

Comment posters I've seen so far are no better, including the obligatory "gun owner and former NRA member" who is incensed and indignant over the right to keep and bear arms meaning just that, and all the Markley's Law hacks who seem to think they;re being original.  Maybe there's something in the water...?

Oh, yeah: Salt.

Victory in Corvallis

...for now. [More]

And then there's this bit of doublethink/newspeak:
Davis added that she supports the Second Amendment right to bear arms.
Right. That's why she's against it.


Opposite Day.

I reminded of Brian on "Family Guy" asking Peter "Do you listen to yourself when you talk?"

We Get Letters

From the Feb. 2015 issue of GUNS Magazine, now in mailboxes and at newsstands throughout the Republic:
He's referring to this column.

I've never seen that explained in a gun mag before. The thought strikes: I may be a bad influence on these people...

Laughing here. This made my day. Can't wait to show the wife.

Activists defy new Washington gun law to demonstrate its unenforceability

Further explaining he and the seller are not exempt from background check requirements, the physical transfer of a “Glock Model 22” for “a wad of cash” is then completed. What’s not clear is if there is anything authorities can do about it. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a great tool for exposing Bloomberg "background check" ballot measures for the total scams that they are, that will all utterly fail at keeping their fraudulent core promise.

The Irrelevant Collaborator

“The immigration system is broken, but this is an issue that should be addressed through collaborative federal action, not unilateral action by the president.” [More]
Hey, no fair! I want to help sell out the Republic, too...

KSDK, Where the News Comes First

Yeah, I guess in this case the race of the bad guys and their dead victim isn't important for people to be told. [More]

"A Gannett Company."


[Via Florida Guy]   

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Yeah, we'll eat at the Wooloworths lunch counter. The rest of you stand around and hold hands in solidarity. [More]



Opposite Day!

Saturation Point

In 2012, crunched numbers from a variety of manufacturers, as well as federal statistics on background checks, and extrapolated that nearly 3.3 million AR-15s were in the country. But that was before Newtown and calls for bans, which drove sales through the roof. In congressional testimony last year, the National Shooting Sports Foundation estimated assault-style weapons domestically in the range of five million-8.2 million. [More]
"In common use at the time," baby.

"The best laid schemes o' mice and men..."

This Day in History: December 4

We are Under sails With 9 ships of the line, And about 6000 Men Recruits Included [More]