Thursday, March 26, 2015

Giving Back to the Community

We are asking gun shops, Manufacturers, FFL licensees, and those businesses that sell complimentary lines of products or services to join with us and contribute... [More]
There are some who don't do that much volume or who may have special considerations precluding full partnership, but who nonetheless ought to do something, and all of them  need to actively recruit support from their customers. And that goes especially for the big volume merchants.

The ones who won't lift a finger, including the ones who support the Bloomberg initiative for reasons of  agreement or gain, need to be singled out and made examples of.  I would suggest Nevadans for State Gun Rights come up with some sort of decal or poster supporters can display, something that would have the same basic effect of sending the economic wrath of gun owners elsewhere as painting lamb's blood on door posts did at the first Passover...

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