Thursday, March 26, 2015

That's an Affront, Alright...

Calling the use of encrypted phones and computers a “huge problem” and an affront to the “rule of law,” Comey, painted an apocalyptic picture of the world if the communications technology isn’t banned. [More]
I think he means an affront to the law of rulers...

You know what else we need, for even more vital security?  Some way to tap into people's minds to know what they're thinking. You'd better believe this is under development and probably a lot farther along than those without clearances realize.  Then we could all be plugged into a cloud, and keythoughts could trigger scrutiny...

Hey, if you don't have anything to hide...

[Via Florida Guy]   


  1. I don't think he realizes that the main problem is not encryption, it's the fact that his organization and the others like it have deliberately and flagrantly forfeited our trust. Did we still trust them, their ability to listen in on our communications really would not be an issue. Lacking that trust however,...

  2. Guess it won't be long before we wear tinfoil hats for real.


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