Monday, March 09, 2015

The Joe Miller Show

I'll be joining them in an hour, at 6:15 p.m. Eastern time, to talk about the amnesty threat to gun rights, and the deliberate indifference shown to date by major gun groups with the exception of GOA.

I've corresponded with him before, and even written about him before, but this is the first time I'll be speaking with him.

The program is broadcast on Alaska's KOAN 95.1 FM and 1080 AM and those outside of the listening area can live stream the show nationwide at Miller's website.

Going with the Flow

Purchasing a gun, before and after "background checks", from Nevada Firearms Coalition, via email:
This has been sent to our legislators. They are debating and voting on the ”ubc” initiative this week. It will fail, and will be on the ballot in 2016. We will have a voting record of all legislators who vote for it. That will be critical in our ratings for their next elections.
I could not get their flowchart graphic to work with this blog's template, so posted them as a pdf on Scribd.

The second chart still doesn't show clearly-- I'll notify them and if they can give me a link to a clearer version, I'll update this.

A Guaranteed Outcome

Thank goodness he didn't shoot them! [More]

[Via Jess]

Campaign Fundraising

SAF launches nationwide campaign opposing Obama admin. ammo ban [More]
Here's the thing -- the only way this "will lead to the loss of our Second Amendment rights by the time Obama leaves office" is if he has enough guys to take on about three percent of gun owners and probably a hell of a lot more than that when things get going. It intuitively bugs me to hear that type of rhetoric used, because it implies the right to keep and bear arms will be just handed over when ordered, defeating the entire purpose of having it.

Don't get me wrong: A properly-crafted lawsuit to stop his  ammo grab can be a fine idea and worthy of being supported as one of the preferred peaceable redress angles to use. But I guess hyperbole and scare tactics are needed to motivate low-information gun owners to cough up funds to support it -- and make no mistake -- the intent of the 800 number at the end of the ad is to solicit donations.

I would respond positively to an ad explaining they are raising money for a lawsuit and why, and talking to me like I'm an adult. Candidly, the ad I see here, and the phone message I heard when I called and got my number on what I assume will be used as a solicitation list, did not inspire me -- quite the opposite, actually. That said, I confess when it comes to running a successful fundraising campaign, I'm not qualified to judge what works on the masses -- only on what works on me.

Show me the arguments that will be raised, an estimated budget to get things through the various phases, how funds solicited for this project will be used exclusively for the stated purpose, and how potential supporters will be told when various budget thresholds have been met, and I'll revisit this to see if I agree with the approach.

That is, if I can get a guarantee the phone number I called from won't be sold or otherwise used for purposes besides the advertised reason for calling the 800 number in the first place...

UPDATE: Now what?

Last Night on Armed American Radio

Regular Contributor, Alan Gottlieb of the SAF, AAR's Washington DC Editor, Neil McCabe, AAR Regular Contributors David Codrea and George Hill, President of the Connecticut Citizens Defense League, Scott Wilson. [Listen]
Hour Three included an in-depth discussion on why amnesty with a "pathway to citizenship" is the greatest threat to that "single issue" we will face, in spite of the deliberate indifference every gun group except for Gun Owners of America has shown to date.

Action Time

It's been action time since this first became known. [More]

What have you done?

SPLC chatter predicts arrests of Spokane liberty activists

An SPLC presence at the rally was no surprise. Mike Vanderboegh of Sipsey Street Irregulars had predicted it. Also no surprise are some of the comments under Morlin’s report, one in particular claiming U.S. Marshal sources plan on arresting identified participants on an individual basis. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes potential developments that could move some enforcers closer to an edge more restrained heads in government could still pull them back from -- if they wanted to.

This Day in History: March 9

I see no reason for changing the Opinion I long since entertain’d, that while the War continued, Ama. shd. have had Ministers or Agents in all the principal Courts in Europe to endeavor to obtain an acknowlegemt. of our Independence, which might have greatly operated in prevailing on G. B. to make Peace with us; but if that point cou’d not be obtain’d, she might be prevented from geting any assistance either in Men or Money to carry on the War; When we have Peace we ought to be on the reserve & let the Powers of Europe court us, for they will certainly receive more benefit from a Com̃erce with us than we shall. [More]