Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Obama guns and vegetables contention derived from Sly James’ claim

As for the first part of his statement, it’s funny he prefaced it with “But I’ll be honest with you”... [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes it would be easier for a Benedict College student to be shot by one of Obama's snipers than to throw a vegetable.

One Man's Insurrectionist

They really do hate -- with fanatical fury -- any heretic who does not worship their god, the omnipotent state. [More]

A Republican Alternative to Pro-Amnesty Jeb Bush

Pro-amnesty Scott Walker! [More]

But then, we knew that.

Oh, look, Bloomberg collaborator Grover again.

You really don't expect Wayne and Company to address this and upset their director shoo-in or any of their confirmed speakers, do you?

Bypassing Faceblock

Just because Suckerberg's Suppressors want to block the signal doesn't mean things are over for Brian Aitken and his determination to secure his legal right to be part of his son's life. Case in point (beginning five minutes in):

Also, check out the Level 19 perk.

Slaughter on Eight Avenue

“Victory will go, not to those who can inflict the most, but to those who can endure the most.” [More]
How any descendant of this could embrace a monopoly of violence is beyond me.

Efforts Paying Off

Oregon Firearms Federation says involved activism produces results.  [More]

It also says there is plenty more to do.

It Takes a Big Man to Admit He's Wrong

Looks like a big man to me... [More]

Whether he's big enough to go the rest of the way and dispense with licenses remains to be seen.

He makes a great argument against the Concealed Carry Killer liars at VPC.

[Via Harvey]

So Much for Grilling While Armed

You didn't think the overseers were going to let this go on indefinitely, did you? [More]

Besides, meat production will be regulated out soon, too.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Rudy Doubles Down

Rudy Giuliani steps up lobbying for Loretta Lynch His support offers cover for wavering Republicans as nomination remains in limbo [More]
"Wavering Republicans"?  Since when?

His being on board to advance establishment interests is no surprise, is it?

Why else do you think NRA would invite a statist and a fascist who is anti-gun to be an honored speaker?

And of course he's for amnesty with a "pathway to citizenship."

What team player isn't?

[Via Mack H]

Partnership for a New American Economy

Why looky who's being featured on the main page... [More]

And looky who he's "partnering" with.

And to think my use of the term "collaborating" was objected to.

You know who else is collaborating?

These guys and these guys.

You don't really think the deliberate indifference is just because they don't know any better, do you?



James Boogerhookonthebangswitch. [More]

That could make him thunderbawl...

Hollywood action heroes... speaking of which, Liam ain't doing too good...

[Via John Comeau]

Midnight Ride

There's a new trailer. [Watch]

Learn more from Oath Keepers.

Do both. Then share information about and support the effort.

Or are you already getting too much stuff like this from establishment media?

Role-Playing Games

Let's be clear here. This was a job I was hired to do. Like any gig I get, I submerge myself into the role completely. It's called acting. My political views are my own and I keep them private. Hopefully no one thinks that because I play a bad guy in my work that that's how I roll in real life. If you do you are not very well informed as to what makes me tick. If my performance in this PSA gets you fired up or touched you in a positive way or even a negative way, then good. It means I did my JOB. [More]
Fair enough.  But we knew the guy behind the counter was acting.

The "customers" in the video are being represented as people who walked off the street and were recorded by hidden camera and persuaded to change their minds.

Let us see what answer, if any is forthcoming:

The question after that is was everyone "properly" permitted?

[Via Joshua S]

We're the Only Ones Ministering to Our Youth Enough

A veteran D.C. police officer and pastor has been charged with sexually assaulting two teenagers — one of them inside his church while he was wearing his gun and badge and the other inside the police headquarters building on Indiana Avenue NW, according to an arrest affidavit. [More]
Hey, how else is he going to teach them what it feels like to be a man?

[Via Florida Guy]   

False Front

Herschel peels back the cover from the fake gun shop. [More]

Hitting the Fan

FFLGuard explains who will be there not only to help keep it from happening, but also to bring in the cleaning crew if it does. [Watch]


One other legal element to consider is the idea of “preclusion”. It isn’t often taught, but it is an absolutely critical concept to understand. Preclusion means “what other options could you have exercised instead of shooting?” Many self defense court cases ... come down to this concept. No reasonable person wants to shoot someone if there are other safe options available. Can you retreat? Can you seek cover? Can you use a less lethal weapon? Can you wait for the police? [More]
That's the decision process, sometimes made instantly, that can lead up to VLLA SELLA...

[Via Mike H]

The Diversion Continues

Norquist to Beck: 'Let's settle this once and for all' [More]
OK, now explain how getting the guy off the board over this will have any effect whatsoever on getting NRA to take on the issue that actually threatens recognition of RKBA and everything else.

WND has also been deliberately indifferent.

Meanwhile, Over in the Color-Blind Society

Google backs 3-city program for black, Latino techies ... The group's name refers to the year the population of minorities in the U.S. is expected to overtake whites. [More]
Eh. It's not like EEO is needed for those people.

And remember: Don't be evil!

Wild in the Streets

Not enough. Fourteen or Fight!

Trump This

Trump to launch exploratory committee [More]
Let's see, he's been a hypocrite on guns who didn't have a clue on the intent of 2A,

He does better on the major threat to its continued recognition.

Is he truly coming around on guns?

Coming Soon, to a Barrio Near You

The Border Patrol is reporting a severe spike in sex offenders sneaking into the U.S. [More]
Hey, haven't they earned the right?

Besides, give it a few years, and anyone who objects to such alternative preferences/lifestyles/choices/activities found in nature will be listed on SPLC's HateWatch site.

This Day in History: March 18

For if, besides the simple payment of their wages, a farther compensation is not due to the sufferings and sacrifices of the officers, then have I been mistaken indeed. If the whole army have not merited whatever a grateful people can bestow, then have I been beguiled by prejudice, and built opinion on the basis of error. If this country should not, in the event, perform every thing which has been requested in the late memorial to Congress, then will my belief become vain, and the hope that has been excited, void of foundation. And "if," (as has been suggested for the purpose of inflaming their passions) "the officers of the army are to be the only sufferers by this revolution; if retiring from the field they are to grow old in poverty, wretchedness and contempt; if they are to wade through the vile mire of dependency, and owe the miserable remnant of that life to charity, which has hitherto been spent in honor," then shall I have learned what ingratitude is, then shall I have realized a tale which will embitter every moment of my future life. [More]