Friday, May 15, 2015

Trump donations to Clinton foundation add to gun owner concerns

The room ate it up, along with his "American jobs first" theme, and ended up giving Trump a standing ovation. Perhaps their enthusiastic reaction would have been tempered had his inspiring sentiments been compared to his record. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes what a person tells you to gain your confidence and what he actually does can often be two quite different things. It's incumbent on us to look beyond the rhetoric and below the surface.

Not a Choice

At least that's what Richard Martinez intends to leave you if he has his way. [More]

Think of it: California laws aren't strict enough for this guy. He demands more. Everywhere.

Curious, nobody is investigating if A-rated citizen disarmament enforcer Bill Brown's guys gave the killer a pass rather than invoking a 5150 72-hour evaluation when they found out who his dad was... or the psychotherapist, who called the kid's mother instead of 911, in spite of California's duty to warn...

I guess it's easier to call for your and my choices to be curtailed, especially with state monopoly of violence propagandists like Robin Abcarian masquerading as reporters.

Ministry of Approved Thought

This is where future enforcers can go for training. [More]

Wish I had time to run a coordinated complaint campaign...

[Via cydl]

Good Question

How do you do background checks on stolen guns? [More]
Because the only answer is "You can't," look for any responses -- assuming the question isn't just ignored -- to change the subject.

Capture the Flag

We wouldn't want to offend anyone who doesn't belong here. [More]

Go Garden Club

A reader just told me when he goes to the WoG url, it reroutes to a site.  I don't see it, but did find this on the CopyTechNet forum. Looks like it may be an issue Firefox is vulnerable to.

As always, make sure you have up-to-date protection and Adblock.  If it's happened to you, all I can suggest is a scan and further research.  Anyone with further knowledge, please educate the rest of us in comments.

UPDATE: It may be Site Meter and a Blogger-wide issue.  I'm going to deactivate it until things clear up.

The Serpent's Credo

Don't tread on me; I am well equipped to defend myself, but content to pass through life unnoticed. I mean no harm to anything or anyone that our creator has not provided as my bill of fare, I am self-sustaining and I like it that way, please pass me by. [More]
Amazing, how many stupid people just don't get that.

Looks like I need to learn more about the life of Bill Haast.

[Via John S]

We're the Only Ones Selective Enough

I guess those aren't the kind of facials they're interested in.

And yet again with the unresolved question for such relationships...

[Via Steve C]

Not Enough

Just two days after Oregon Governor Kate Brown (D) signed expanded background checks into law via Senate Bill 941, Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly are pressing Democrats in Oregon’s legislators to go even further–to pass more gun control while they have the chance. [More]
It's never enough.

Which is why anyone who talks of "compromise" with serial deceivers who lust after your rights is a fool.

There are no "deals." Anything the antis find expendable -- for now -- in order to pick up a piece they value more, they'll go back and recapture later. And they'll call anyone who resists an extremist, and unwilling to compromise.

[Via Neil W]

Whistleblower Summit

Join a group of whistleblowers that comes together each year in Washington D.C. to support each other and acknowledge people who dared to speak up. [More]

[Via Robert F]

We're the Only Ones Young at Heart Enough

On Saturday in Rothschild, investigators say Dorr brought her to a wedding reception for two fellow Lincoln County officers. "And in front of a room of law enforcement coworkers, the defendant gave this 15-year-old alcohol and made out with her," said Molly Lawrence, an assistant district attorney for Marathon County, in court. [More]
Again with the dating etiquette question...

[Via Sean Y]

Assassination Attempt

Dean Weingarten updates us on the latest George Zimmerman story. [More]

I can't talk about it, because I haven't been authorized to, but I have a friend --whose name you would be very familiar with -- who knows Zimmerman and has given me corroborating details.  I'll work on him to see what public statements he's able to make at this time.

The bottom line is, while it appears the guy just can't stay out of trouble -- and I confess, I've been guilty of speculating on that myself -- the man is trying to get on with his life and is a target of media-fueled hatred we should pray is never visited on us.

[Via Mike H]

All About Appearance

“I should have gone the extra mile to avoid even the appearance of a conflict” [More]
Yeah, gee. See, it ain't "conflict," it's "appearance of conflict."

Who'da thunk Fourth Estate Fifth Columnist Stephanopoulos is a doctrinaire propaganda machine Bolshevik in the tank for Hillary...?

Kind'a makes you wonder why Bloomberg thinks he needs his own "gun news" bureau, except for that control thing...

We're the Only Ones By the Handful Enough

A handful of Miami Beach police officers sent hundreds of racially offensive and pornographic emails and possibly jeopardized dozens of criminal cases in which they are witnesses, the department's chief said Thursday. [More]
Hey, it's just a "handful." It's not like this is ubiquitous or anything, or that this is representative of more widely-spread attitudes toward those they "serve."

Oh, wait...

Meanwhile, Over at the Religion of Peace

One can only wonder what the fate of a mouthy Demanding Mom would be...[More]

On a tangentially-related note, I won't be surprised to see Lindsay strap on a bomb some day.

Speaking of which, I wonder why ISIS hasn't decided a great way to strike terror in Western hearts and boost their influence would be to kidnap a celebrity so many worship and then do the throat/head routine on video. For that matter, it would seem a "suicide attack" at the Oscars would really get the world's attention.

Probably the only thing stopping them is knowing how well protected these anti-armed citizen investments are, and not wanting to enjoy anything but success.

Inmates Running the Asylum

Psychiatric drugs kill 500k+ Western adults annually, few positive benefits – leading scientist [More]
No wonder Opposite Day "progressives" are pushing for forcing more gun owners into the "mental health" system...

We're the Only Ones Restraining Enough

9 deputies fired in death of 21-year-old restrained man at jail in coastal Georgia [More]
Hey, they wanted to make it home at the end of their shifts.

That's Entertainment

How about this? Don’t have speakers! Don’t spend money unnecessarily! Let your workers go to a comedy club for their entertainment like the rest of us do. [More]
Spoken like a true, privileged "cracker."

This Day in History: May 15

Having some Teeth which are very troublesome to me at times, and of wch I wish to be eased, provided I could substitute others (not by transplantation, for of this I have no idea, even with young people, and sure I am it cannot succeed with old) and Gums which might be relieved by a Man of skill—I would thank you for making a private investigation of this Mans character & knowledge in his profession and if you find them such as I can derive any benefit from encourage him to come out, and to take this in his way to whatever post, or place he may be bound. [More]