Monday, November 30, 2015

Colorado Springs Joint Investigation Media Release

Media Partners,

Below is the text found in the attached Joint Investigation Media Release

November 30, 2015 [5:00 PM]

We would like to offer our condolences to the families and the friends of the victims in last week’s horrific event.  The El Paso County Coroner’s Office has completed the autopsies on the three victims. The victims have been positively identified as:

Jennifer Markovsy, Date of Birth of December 22, 1979.  Her cause of death is from a gunshot wound and her manner of death has been ruled a homicide.

Ke’Arre Marcell Stewart, Date of Birth of February 9, 1986. His cause of death was from a gunshot wound and his manner of death has been ruled a homicide.

Garrett Swasey, Date of Birth of November 16, 1971.  His cause of death was from a gunshot wound and his manner of death has been ruled a homicide.

As part of the joint investigation neither the Colorado Springs Police Department nor the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office will release the names of the surviving victims, witnesses, and involved police officers pursuant to C.R.S. § 24-72-305(5).  At the present time disclosure of this information would be contrary to public interest because such release would be detrimental to the active and ongoing homicide investigation.  Additionally the release of the names of the victims, witnesses, and involved police officers would impact the privacy and safety of these individuals. 

Other items which cannot be released include information on any involved weapons to include those used by officers and the suspect, 911 emergency telephone calls, closed circuit surveillance footage, tactics or comments on tactics employed, equipment used by or available to tactical officers and patrol officers, comments or statements made by or attributed to the suspect, timelines regarding response and actions while on scene, and dispatch audio recordings.  Please note the dispatch audio currently being used by different media outlets was not provided by the Colorado Springs Police Department or the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office.

During today’s video advisement the suspect was wearing a safety smock.  This smock is NOT a bullet proof vest but a standard jail issued item.

The suspects next hearing date will take place on Wednesday, December 9th, 2015, at 1:30 PM MST in Division 10.  The suspect is being represented by the Colorado Public Defender’s Office.

The Joint Information Center has been closed.  Any further questions can be directed to either the CSPD or EPSO public information officers.

Lockdown Highlights Shameful Mandated Vulnerability of ‘Gun-Free’ Zones

If Dean had actually been capable and not alerted everyone, he’d have had a good chance. Because, unsurprisingly, UoC is a “gun free” campus, meaning all first responders would be able to do is hide, flee or bleed out until armed second responders assumed control. [More]
Because nothing says "helpless victims"like a "gun-free zone."

Majority Rules!

New York advocacy groups, with the support of the Obama administration, are redoubling their efforts in one area they can control: citizenship. They are pushing to convert as many of the country’s 8.8 million green card holders as possible into naturalized Americans. The influence of the Latino voting bloc has added impetus to the drive. According to Latino Decisions, a polling and research firm, 80 percent of naturalized Latino citizens voted for President Obama in 2012. In New York State, there are approximately 915,000 legal permanent residents, more than 317,400 of whom are Latino, according to the Center for Migration Studies. [More]
Thank goodness none of this directed reshaping of the electorate has anything to do with that "single issue."

Breaking: Lockdown in Colorado Springs

Penrose Hospital in Colorado Springs was locked down Monday afternoon, our partners at KRDO reported. [More]
Listen live to police scanner.

UPDATE: Lockdown lifted.  Sounds like someone got spooked with no real threat.  Then again, maybe they had good cause.

[Via cydl]

If You Have Nothing to Hide...

Los Angeles is considering sending “Dear John” letters to the homes of men who solicit prostitutes hoping the mail will be opened by mothers, girlfriends or wives ... In a statement issued by her office Wednesday, Martinez said, “If you aren’t soliciting, you have no reason to worry about finding one of these letters in your mailbox. But if you are, these letters will discourage you from returning. Soliciting for sex in our neighborhoods is not OK.” [More]
So just driving through such a neighborhood and having the auto-reader ID you is all it takes to create a domestic situation of suspicion, accusations, anger and worse? And good luck having your innocence unequivocally corroborated?

This is what happens when totalitarians, and incompetent ones at that, run the show. Congratulations, Angelenos, you're getting the "government" you demanded.

Meanwhile, Dr. Frankenstein is horrified his monster has broken loose and run amok...

[Via Michael G]

Common Sense Spiked Club Control

San Francisco police ask for help in finding who is chaining spiked baseball bats to poles [More]
Perhaps a long-time reader...?

You know what they need to do?

Hold a spiked club buyback!

[Via William T]


While experts say the missing tags are a source of concern because they could fall into the wrong hands, officials at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport insist they don't pose "a significant security threat." [More]
What does it matter if it must have been an inside job and that, assurances notwithstanding, there are plenty of ways this could be exploited? They've got the real security threats under control. Just remember that next time some slug fondles your privates just because they can.

[Via Joe Miller]

Not That Reality Will Slow Down the Antis

I just got off the phone with the Joint Information Center handling inquiries about the Colorado Springs shooting. I told the lieutenant I spoke with that I had not seen any media reports about the type of weapon and/or weapons used by/and/or recovered from the suspect, and asked if they had released this information yet. She told me no, because the information is part of a sealed warrant.

I did get my email address added to their media advisory circulation list, so I should be able to start providing updates.

In the mean time, if you haven't seen this yet, it's still holding up. If you approve of what I'm doing, I'd appreciate if you shared the link-- and feel free to leave a comment under the article as well.

Not Ready for Prime Time

“Hateful rhetoric exacerbates the situation…You don’t ever solve them [problems] with hateful rhetoric. Both sides should tone down the rhetoric and engage in civil discussion.” [More]
Yeah, Ben, I can't tell you how many times somebody saying something hateful to me has driven me right off the deep end. And every time, it was the rhetoric's fault.

I'm continuing to see why a desperate Republican establishment views this guy as someone they can use to their advantage until its time to cast him off.

This is All It Takes... shut everything down. [More]

Can't the damn troublemakers read?

Ultimately, I'm sure this will end up being your and my fault.

UPDATE: That'll teach us for being "white devils"!

Rise of the Machines

China unveils ‘armed attack’ robots armed with guns and grenades [More]
What could go wrong?

Isaac...? Got a Plan B?


Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s rhetoric was turning Muslims “against the United States of America.” [More]
Dang, and we were getting along so famously until Donald opened his mouth!

Why am I suddenly thinking about another "war hero"...?


Far be it from me to be a Wayne-lover, but there's just something so Opposite Day "progressive" about an anonymous writer accusing a man who puts his real name out there of being a coward. [More]
Like a frightened rat, he’s gone to ground rather than explain why the NRA supports allowing suspected terrorists to legally buy guns, even assault weapons. Daily News reporters have traveled far and wide in hope of posing questions to, and getting direct answers from, LaPierre since shortly after ISIS madmen perpetrated the Paris massacre.
They have explained it. Many times. You just don't want to acknowledge it so you can continue with your lying meme. And as for not talking to you, why would anyone?  You're scum.

Yes, you who wrote this: You, personally, are scum.

You, personally, are a coward and a whore for your masters. You, personally, are a modern day Julius Streicher.

As is everyone affiliated with the subversive rag you've rented your soul to.

As an aside, I see Kurt left a comment, on target as ever. I'm told he's just completed another space voyage around the Sun.

Dictating Terms

They must not be all that hungry. [More]

How does this help secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity again...?

[Via Florida Guy]   

We're the Only Ones Cutting Enough

Chicago Burger King manager says police tampered with footage of teen's death [More]
Why bore juries with context?  Besides, wasn't Burger King's slogan once "Have it your way"?

[Via William T]

Republican Establishment Just Doesn't Get It

Lou Dobbs explains. [Watch]

Don't forget to take the poll while it's still up.

As I've said before, if Priebus doesn't immediately condemn this and promise sanctions against all behind it, he is complicit. The same holds for each of the other contenders who have not come forth and done the same.

As I've also said before, the party fidelity pledge ought to be a two-way street -- if not, the "deal" for The Donald not to go third party will have been broken by the Republicans.

Establishment GOP shill Liz Mair ought to henceforth be persona non grata as a consultant. Her participation in future campaigns ought to be treated as a liability.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Black Friday Super Deal Extended!

This Cyber Monday, check out our website and find out how you can help to secure your rights with just a small donation. You can’t find a better deal than this! Your donation will help silence Bloomberg and his gun control groups in Nevada. Click here to make a donation.
Assuming you're not among the slavery-deserving tools the would-be rulers are counting on, who value other things more highly...

Not from Nevada?  Does that matter?

Meanwhile, Over on the Russian Front...

On the heels of the Chinese stock market plunging 5.5 percent, continued turmoil in the Middle East and the price of gold hitting 5 year lows, today former U.S. Treasury official, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts told King World News that Putin and the Russians are now dominating in Syria and the Middle East as the West destroys itself. [More]
Another piece of a larger puzzle...

[Via Leslie B]

Not for Attribution

“The problem with Internet quotations is that many are not genuine." —Abraham Lincoln [More]
Would somebody please tell "Clark Kent" that?


Bracken: Tet, Take Two – Islam’s 2016 European Offensive

I believe that ... Europe is being prepared for a Muslim-jihad version of the 1968 Tet Offensive in Vietnam. A vast and concerted act of treason has been taking place across Europe since the creation of the European Union. Under the Schengen Agreement, Brussels promised to guard the outer frontiers of the EU, while abolishing internal border controls. The Eurocrat elites broke the first promise but kept the second, thus opening a wide path for the onrushing Muslim hijra immigration invasion. [More]
This reinforces my longstanding conviction that Matt Bracken's is one of the most important voices of our time. Stop what you're doing. Read this in full. Make the time. Then share.

Also: Free Kindle downloads of the "Enemies" trilogy Tuesday through Thursday.

CSGV Finds Another "Loophole"!

Really? "Criminals"? Are we going to let this stand? Something must be done! [More]

So now they demand those with past misdemeanors beyond Lautenberg be "prohibited persons." Thanks for showing us more about yourselves and your plans, CSGV!

I hope everyone understands how intimidating it is for me to even hint at saying anything such awesome opponents might not approve of. They might attack me for being "white" again!