Friday, January 29, 2016

A Surprising Moment of Compromise

Personally, I'd rather not have due process stripped away based on allegations by an interested party. [More]

[Via several of you]


  1. There is no compromise with libs, progressives (regressives), collectivists. There is only take as much as they can. Reminds me of the scene in Fallout-The Prisoner where #48 tells the council 'take's all you are' They respond take, Take, TAKE!'

  2. Instead, the Virginia Legislature needs to review the U.S. Constitution and understand that it applies to Virginia. Having done that, they would understand that "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." means just that. They would revoke all laws regulating the peaceful keeping and bearing of arms. Until used to assault someone, a handgun in a holster carried openly or concealed should be handled like a carpenter’s tool belt holding a hammer. If carpenters from Maryland or elsewhere become of particular concern to the Virginia Legislature, well...


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