Sunday, November 13, 2016

Cooper's Rule 4: Be Sure of Your Target.

It is NOT "Firearms Concierge" Zev Nadler. Please spread the word to stop targeting him for something he did not do.

A lot of people are assuming this gunkapo is Mr. Nadler due to him having a similar (one word vs. two) handle. I've provided a trail of corroborating links suggesting he is someone else, but at no time have I definitively said it's him -- rather, I have posed my speculations as questions and sent an inquiry to TTAG that has not been answered.

As for the guy all evidence points to, how he can do it from the slammer is a question enquiring minds want to know.

If they don't want to ID their writer, TTAG ought to issue a clarification notifying their readers who he is not. If they have, I don't see it after a cursory search, but will post a link update if any of you do.


  1. I really don't think it's the reality TV gunstore daughter-raper.

    Now that boycotts are suggested, I doubt Farago will be eager to aim us at the proper target, nor will anybody affiliated with TTAG.

  2. Others arer saying it is someone called Going Quiet out of Melbourne FL -- don't know what evidence they have. Whoever it is, they should not leave Nadler hanging out to dry-- they need to make it known loud and clear it is not him.

  3. He hasn't lost his ability to generate comments...


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