Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Weiner Sex Addiction Check-In Could Be Sympathy Ploy to Mitigate Charges

Weiner gives us insight into mind of someone who knows he is untrustworthy. There’s more than a bit of projection going on. That makes it fair to ask just who the hell he thinks he is telling Americans who do not share his despicable moral failings that he does not trust them with freedom to make moral choices. Obviously, since he can’t trust himself, the thought of others not sharing his defects must be too much to handle; after all, if others are capable of self control, then the problem must be his. Better to blame them, and better yet, blame their guns! [More]
Who thinks he's sincere, as opposed to doing this on advice of legal counsel?


  1. Weiner's just a highly sexed (and weak inhibitioned) guy who's stuck in a sexless marriage with Hillary's girlfriend and rather desperate to get laid.

    But when said girlfriend used his laptop...

  2. Drunks check into rehab all the time too get lighter DUI sentencing. Why would sticky Weiner be any different?


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