Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Who's on First?

Investigative citizen journalist’s David Codrea and Mike Vanderboegh were the first to disclose the development of the scheme... [More]
It's gratifying to see some recognize that, even if the media and (even fricking Wikipedia) deliberately ignore and suppress that.  Even though all one needs to do to see the truth of how that developed is click on a link and see for themselves...


  1. You seem shocked by the revelation that Wikipedia is just another cog in the left-wing news-entertainment complex. I thought everybody had known that for years.

    Anyone passing by who doubts this, go to the Wikipedia article on "global warming" and try to edit in some truth, or some questions about whether a scientific model has to be testable and falsifiable. They'll ban you. No one is to question The Narrative. OLDTHINKERS UNBELLYFEEL INGSOC.

  2. Hardly shocked-- been reminding readers here of the censorship for years, including how the F&F entry has been updated before only to have someone come right in behind it and edit it out. It doesn't hurt to remind again, and for some, it will be the first time they've heard that particular.


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