Tuesday, December 06, 2016

The Ethics Dunce

Then there’s the matter of the pledge Suprun took that bound him to vote for whoever got the most votes in Texas. At least Art Sisneros, the other Texas elector who decided that he couldn’t do what millions of Texans voted in the belief he would do, had the integrity to resign. What standing does Christoper Suprun have to criticize Trump’s character, when Suprun swore an oath and now tells us he was crossing his fingers? He had an obligation to refuse to be an elector once he knew that Trump was the Republican candidate. [More]
That may explain why his Twitter account has been deactivated.


  1. Ethics Alarms -- I love it!


  2. I recall a saying "Liar-Liar Pants On Fire" If I lived in this LYING Sack-O-Shit's state and he was going to lie about the vote, he might get a pocket full of lighter fluid and get really close to a lit match.

  3. I had to do a double take. He looks like he wants to Glenn Beck. Maybe it's a genetic thing?


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