Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Isn't This What's Called 'Collusion'?

Web giants to cooperate on removal of extremist content [More]
We have a standard defintion we can all agree on, right?

Didn't "progressives" once lead the push for antitrust laws to keep power like this, that affects us all, from being amassed and abused by a handful of oligarchs?

Collaborating with the effect of shutting out competition that's been growing to challenge their profitiablity and relevancy doesnt count...?  It's not enough to have P3M (public-private partnership media) smear us as "fake news"?


  1. They dont learn. Dingy Harry's "nuclear option" is coming back around to bite them in the ass.

    Karma baby... ain't it grand watching them self-destruct in a frenzy of righteous indignation?

  2. The real extremists were the ones in the MSM who questioned the journalistic integrity of anyone who even suggested the possibility that Donald Trump could win.
    Those immersed in the leftist groupthink are the true extremists, and what is inevitably their propaganda that they pass off as news, is the true definition of "fake news".


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