Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Which Ones Would Those Be?

...amongst my liberal friends. [More]
Tell me you don't really believe you have any. Or if you do, ask them what should happen to you if registration becomes required or a gun you own is banned and you disobey the "law."

You would disobey, wouldn't you?

This isn't Aaron's JPFO anymore, that's for sure.

1 comment:

  1. I notice they don't every say if the article was "reprinted with permission". I also notice the original doesn't explicitly grant permission to reprint, with or without attribution.

    I put a comment on the original site to notify the article's author, just in case that permission was NOT granted.

    I have no doubt Aaron Zelman's JPFO would be above posting others' work without their permission, but like you said, it's no longer Aaron's JPFO.


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