Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Malheur Situation Continues to be Powder Keg after Death, Arrests

Now that “authorities” have drawn first blood under disputed circumstances — with no grievance issues resolved — it’s anyone’s guess what, when and where the next move will be, and importantly, by whom. [More]
The situation has still not been resolved and may now actually be more dangerous.

"Conservative" Fox News

That's what the manipulators want us to think about the controlled opposition. [More]

I like that The Donald told them to go to hell.  I bet if he offered an exclusive interview to another network in the same time slot, he'd get better ratings than the other Republicans combined.

We're the Only Ones Approaching the Bench Enough

Guzy confirms the deputy, with more than ten years with the office, accidentally discharged his weapon, firing one bullet which smashed through a wall and imbedded into the desk of a judge.  [More]
Maybe he though it was the judge's turn to rise for him...

[Via bondmen]

Cognizance is Bliss

Former St. Louis assistant circuit attorney Bliss Barber Worrell leaves the Thomas F. Eagleton U.S. Courthouse on Monday, Oct. 26, 2015, after admitting she helped cover up a St. Louis police officer's assault of an arrestee.  [More]
Remember when we though ignorance is Bliss?

[Via bondmen]

Mean while, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise...

Powers that could be designated to volunteers include the ability to detain a person for up to 30 minutes and search someone who has been detained for dangerous items - provided the chief constable has authorised it and it is appropriate to the work the volunteer is doing. [More]
If a person's got "dangerous items" and they don't...

[Via Florida Guy]   

We're the Only Ones 'Third Time's a Charm' Enough

Police shot man dead after he called 911 for help 3 times [More]
That's what we in the business call "a spate."

I'll be damned if I can figure out what happened  -- was the bat to attack police or to defend himself? Are the two mutually exclusive? And what did the woman neighbor do?

In any case, if you're in need of rescue in the gun-hostile Windy City, forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via Jess]

Bernie Sanders’ Divide-and-Conquer Gun Stance Relies on Willing Dupes Ignoring Backers

So what of the doctrinaire “Fudd,” who cares only about duck season and wabbit season, and doesn’t care what else Bernie bans? “Do not ask for whom the bell tolls” and “I shall eat you last” come to mind. [More]
The only thing we need to realize about Bernie Sanders and guns is that he understands Chairman Mao’s observation that “Every Communist must grasp the truth; ‘Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.'”

Federal Heroes Pick Low-Hanging Fruit

A 23-year-old Milwaukee man is facing federal charges for possessing multiple machine guns and a silencer, which he planned to use during a terrorist attack on U.S. soil, the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced Tuesday. [More]
I don't suppose the "rigorous security screening" that ensured we're graced with Samy's presence in the first place is up for examination...?

Nah, that's not the agenda they're being paid to advance...

Pacific Patriots Network – Official Statement for Immediate Release

It has come to the attention of PPN that many individuals are responding to this news as a ‘Call to Action’. The Pacific Patriots Network is issuing an immediate “STAND BY” Order to all those who are mobilizing to the peaceful city of Burns, Oregon. We will not pursue any action until all of the facts have been pieced together regarding the traffic stop and the arrest of Ammon Bundy. During this time, cooler heads must prevail. We do not wish to inflame the current situation and will engage in open dialogue until all of the facts have been gathered. [More]
In other words, they don't need this guy showing up.

White Privilege

Sorry, my mistake. I thought this article was about our guinea pig... [More]

In that case, the assessment would have been accurate.

She's clamoring again.  No, forget the Timothy-hay and kibble -- we want Romaine lettuce, matchstick carrots and grape tomatoes...

[Via Jeet]

Stop the Vendetta against Gun Owners

The February “short session,” which was sold to Oregonians as a way to deal with nothing but budget issues, is being used to ram through more of Michael Bloomberg’s wish list. [More]
Action needed.

Florida Alert

HB-163 will allow persons with a Concealed Weapons & Firearms License the right to choose to carry firearms openly or concealed ... We need you to contact committee members immediately and urge them to pass this bill. [More]
Since it will be in committee tomorrow, this needs action now.

A Negligent Way to Die

No question about it. [More]

But what's really telling are some of the comments on "progressive" sites rejoicing in this woman's death. No, I won['t link to them here.

[Via Beulah G]

Shocked Awake

A regular Sunday morning turns deadly when a elderly man is confronted by a carjacker in his driveway.  [More]
This week on "Stop the Threat"...

Armed American Radio Redux

Here's my conversation yesterday with host Mark Walters. [Listen]

Lock N Load Redux

Here's my conversation from yesterday with Bill Frady, beginning at @ 14:45 in:

We're the Only Ones Commandeering Enough

A federal court has ruled that the Drug Enforcement Agency does not have to pay a truck owner whose vehicle they commandeered in a botched drug sting operation – without his knowledge or permission – in which the agency's confidential informant driver was shot dead and the truck was damaged. [More]
Securing the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity again, I see...

[Via Florida Guy]   

Just Thought I'd Mention This

Now that Ammon Bundy & Co. are in custody, I'm hoping there is a way to make the captors think twice about abuse.  For some reason, I can't shake the memory of the convenient jail "suicide" of Irv Rubin and murder of Earl Krugel, both of whom I'd met while living in L.A.

Oath Keepers Report on Bundy Arrest

Blaine Cooper has reportedly assumed leadership at the Refuge and has been told to leave immediately. During a phone call with Pete Santilli, Pete can be overheard saying, “Blaine, please don’t do this.” Blaine is reportedly wanting to make a stand. Women and children are still at the Refuge. [More]
The danger isn't over.

Quite the Collection

A Wauwatosa man is under federal investigation for selling guns without a proper license, buying more than 500 firearms from an outdoors store and then selling them through a website or at gun shows, according to newly unsealed court documents. [More]
Some are attributing this to Obama's executive ordure.

The Feds were destroying lives of collectors before that. What amazes me is how this guy thought he wouldn't be challenged.

That alone makes me suspect there's more to this than being reported. It all seems just so...convenient...

[Via Neil W]

Pretty Please?

.04% of Europeans have asked for the gun ban to end. [More]

[Via Mike H]

Diff'rent Strokes

A Detroit man who died early Sunday in a one-car crash was pantsless and masturbating while watching a pornographic movie on his cell phone, according to police who investigated the accident. [More]
My favorite observation:
The name of the movie wasn’t known.
Looks like the slogans page could use an expansion update...

The End?

Oregon standoff spokesman Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum killed, Bundys in custody after shooting near Burns [More]
There is much to sort out. Some reports call it an "ambush," others a "gunfight."

There will be a press conference this morning at 10:30 local time. Of all the links I've seen, this one will probably be the best one to consult first throughout the day.

UPDATE: Sources tell me the women and children have been successfully transported away from Malheur, leaving a handful of holdouts intent to make their stand.  This video purports to be from an eyewitness to the roadblock arrests:

I'm told there may be dashcam videos. Getting those may be another matter altogether.

UPDATE: This contradicts the above video.  I do not know this person and why he would give exclusive information to leftist Travis Gettys and Raw Story. I'm trying to find out more.  And here's another. And more.