Friday, January 27, 2017

Mr. Zuckerberg, Tear Down This Wall

Protesters set to gather at border wall — of Mark Zuckerberg’s Hawaiian estate [More]
What a goddam hypocrite.

The "private property" excuse doesn't wash when he's relying on the force of the state to acquire it and then enforce against border violations via trespassing charges that will be prosecutable once he does.

And he's making noises about running for president in 2016?

What is it with these "progressive" billionaires thinking they're god?

For all the money it generates, Facebook is an exceptionally crappy product.


  1. Sorry to keep being the bearer of bad news. 2016?

  2. Look again. That's when the photo was taken.

  3. Little punk is going to find out how real Hawai'ians feel about people messing with their land. And once somebody screws with a Hawai'ian, they consider him an enemy for the rest of their life. They do NOT forgive, and they do NOT forget.

  4. Oh, I see what you meant.

  5. Facebook isn't the product. *YOU* are the product. Facebook is the collecting tool.

  6. I recall someone pointing out, "Do you lock your front door? Yes? Then you DO believe in borders, boundaries, and property rights."

    Zuckerberg should take note, but he won't, because he's a damnable hypocrite.

  7. Soros wants to become the "conscience of the world". How will that work? How can a person so utterly devoid of conscience become the "conscience of the world"????

    I don't see how Zuckerburg can use the "adverse possession" statute since it requires 20 years of squatting on the land in order to qualify.


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