Tuesday, September 05, 2017

They've Done it for 'Civil Rights' Violations

There will no doubt be some who will argue "federalism," as if states can also ignore the rest of the Bill of Rights.  I have five words:
Supreme Law of the Land.
This reminds me of our old Ashcroft Petition.

Thanks to the work of volunteers throughout the land, I sent box after box, over 40,000 hard copy mailed-in signatures in all, to the DOJ, where they probably reside off-site in storage until such time as their records retention policy says they can landfill them.

At least it proved that all that talk about supporting the Second Amendment was just that.

I also had to send a letter to NRA-ILA telling them to call off a California rep who was actively discouraging members from signing by telling them that we were, and I quote, "wild-eyed extremists."

Take a minute?

What have you got to lose?  You don't think you're not already on all kinds of lists?


  1. Done. And forwarded to others as well. WilliamT.

  2. Well, the Deep State allowed Trump to pardon Joe Arpaio (thank goodness) as a sop to his otherwise total powerlessness, but has prevented him from coming through on any of his campaign promises, as well as causing him to fire all of the people he brought in with him who supported the principles he spoke of during the election. No Obamacare repeal, no stopping the Left's importation of muslim jihadis, no stopping of the OTM jihadis coming into the country that way. Instead of ignoring the progressive judges that Obama packed the federal courts with, he backs off, when Federal law says the President can control immigration as he pleases (and as Obama did, blocking Christians from the Middle East from coming here, and even deporting some who made it here in spite of him).

    Now he wants to get more of our young men killed in Afghanistan - for nothing, since that country will never change, backs off from canceling Obama's giveaway of nuclear weapon development to Iran (along with over 150 BILLION dollars to help fund it, since Obama wants the destruction of America as much as Iran does), is letting Mattis take the heat for allowing transgenders to remain in the military, and will soon back off from closing down DACA, the so-called "Dream Act".

    I hate to be negative, especially about the Second Amendment, but if Trump is going to allow the Deep State and Obama holdovers like McMasters ("There is no extremist islam, and I will fire anyone who says there is"), Susan Rice, etc. to dictate policy on their own, without his approval, and allow McMasters to bad-mouth him PLUS fire anyone McMasters doesn't like, do you really think he will be able to move on repealing over 100 years of gun control?

    Since it looks as if the Deep State wants a war with North Korea, Trump may very well order either an attack (hopefully with an EMP device of our own, if he just _has_ to do something) on them. If he puts boots on the ground against NK's "million man army", we are going to lose some more good young men, again for nothing, since NK doesn't yet have the technology to reach us with an EMP-mounted missile. (Unless Iran swaps them a few missiles in exchange for a few of their 60 or so nukes.)

    I don't know if Trump lost his balls, or if he has been threatened with the death of his entire family if he doesn't knuckle under (I'm betting on the latter), but I think you can pretty much forget Making America Great Again with his help. It is going to cost us a revolution, if it happens at all.


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