Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Lone Gunmen Redux

EXCLUSIVE: Forensic acoustic analysis confirms existence (and range) of second Las Vegas shooter [More]
I've warned about falling for just any old conspiracy theory. What's claimed here does not seem to fall into that category.

It seems credible to me, with the caveat that I'm not qualified to challenge the assumptions. If you are, please weigh in.

[Via Leslie B]


  1. The ballistics data on a notepad would make sense if he wasn't trying to go full-retard. But I'm not a ballistician nor slept at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

    Even with the bump stock, would any of the ballistics data be useful if he was using a medium powered scope with the bump stocks, or is that useless?

  2. David, my "expert" opinion is that anything on that particular website should be treated as bunk. Having questions about the official narrative is fine, because it's likely some facts with be withheld. But relying on people who see a conspiracy in absolutely everything is not. The author is no more an expert in this field than you or I, but I would trust either of us more than him.

    Think about shot spotter. You have microphones with known positions. From those, you can triangulate a possible source position based on the time difference of when the sound reaches each microphone. A bunch of cell phone videos taken from unknown positions at unknown times is not going to tell you anything more than there were gunshots.

  3. Interesting. I thought I heard two different firearms, one close and one far in the taxi driver video, when the taxi was stationary. Some recorded were clearly echos, but there was at least one instance of near/far not echo (not same echoing staccato) in that video. Maybe some retired or current forensic expert will look into it.... if for no other reason than to disprove this theory.

  4. I watched enough to know his analysis won't work. As Steve notes, triangulation requires a minimum of two receivers at precisely known locations AND TIME SYNCED. (This is the same technique used for non-GPS cell phone location: TDOA.)

    Natural News sometimes has a few real facts, but typically spins them into greenie conspiracies; it's not a site I end up at often. Mike Adams background -- per his bio --is biology, computers, and writing about stuff. Nothing in there suggests any TDOA experience (at least I got the basics in telecom).

    That said, I've wondered about two rifles in play simultaneously, because at least one video of the start had an initial burst with a distinctive sound, a long pause, then a second burst of two different sounds: one very much like the first burst and another sharper crack that seemed to be a different rate of fire. But two shooters? I don't know; that could have been the one guy going all Hollywood with two rifles. Or, considering the sound quality, I could be mis-hearing.

    Steve's mention of ShotSpotter is interesting. According to this May 19, 2015 news report, Las Vegas has been using ShotSpotter since late 2014. Do they still? If so, did it merely fail again?

  5. Bear, the LV station was hosting a WTOC report on its site for some reason -- Savannah, Beaufort, SC...

  6. In this video, the camera person occasionally point the lens at the area of the 32 floor of Mandalay Bay while there is obvious shooting real time. Is it just me, or shouldn't there be visible muzzle flashes coming from the window?


    Look at about the 1:48 mark.


  7. Been wondering about that too. Never saw one muzzle flash in any of the many videos from the upper floors area. Only the muzzle flashes from a lower floor at Mandalay were captured. Unless those flashes from down lower were reflections captured from some other location across/down the street.

    If shooter was standing way back in the room away from the window, how does shooter manage to aim down on a 45 degree (or whatever angle) down to the concert area without striking the carpeted floor or by shooting thru wall? Climb up on a ladder inside the room to shoot from a high in room position?

    Many more questions than answers.

  8. About the muzzle flash (or lack thereof): I generally buy surplus ammunition, for several reasons. One of them is the absence of a large visual signature. I think it is part of the design of the rounds. I am sure there is someone who can verify my thoughts (or tear them to pieces, which is fine, as long as I can learn).

  9. Tropicana parking garage roof - clear view to concert area about 300-350 yards. Good get-away area.

    Concert area basically between the Mandalay and Tropicana, both providing angles to shoot from, similar distances.

    32nd floor of hotel booked in shooter's name, with broken out windows? Not my idea of a good get-away plan.


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