Monday, December 04, 2017

Not Worth the Hassle

Texas-based Defender Outdoors posted a notice last week that, since ammo purchased from a mail-order catalog or online must be shipped to a licensed vendor after the New Year, they are ceasing all direct ammunition sales to California residents effective Dec. 17. [More]
So: If you're a CA gun owner, who's up for obeying the infringements? All "good, honest Americans" do, you know.

It's not like California's "gun rights leaders" can be expected to  deviate their messaging away from that "single issue," or talk about a new paradigm...


  1. The oldest profession in the world may be "sex worker" but I'm pretty sure the second oldest in the US of A is smuggling.

    Get ready for the LA Times to start publishing articles with the phrase "XX rounds of ammunition were confiscated with the street value of $d.dd".

  2. Anyone that couldn't see this coming hasn't been paying attention. Unfortunately, that includes many California gun owners.

  3. Aye, smuggling. What's to keep someone from driving over the border and buying ammo? It's not like there's a serial number on each round, and the State has no way of knowing what's already on hand. I don't see this working any better than prohibiting liquor sales in a County.

    The tree of liberty needs to be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots, and tyrants! - Jefferson


  4. HinMO-
    California DOJ people will be cruising the parking lot with license plate scanners at places like Cabelas, Verdi NV and contacting agents at the Ag checkpoints in CA, where the suspect vehicles will be searched for contraband. This is what Executive Director Sam Paredes of Gun Owners of California believes will happen.

    Last summer armed Department of Forestry Law Enforcement people were searching vehicles for illegal fireworks at Truckee. It was on the local evening news for all to see. Guys with CDF patches on their shoulders and guns on their hips looking through the travel trailer of a retired couple. I kid you not.


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