Monday, December 04, 2017


Windy City gun stats. [More]

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via Fredd B]


  1. Really? 587 dead? I would have thought that Mogadishu could have done better than that, and with nothing more than sharpened pieces of metal, though they do have AKs due to US support from Obama, which they transferred into other, more deadly items.

  2. It's a long way down. I don't expect most to get it, but we are on our way:

  3. Now that's a page worth bookmarking!

    One has to wonder when Black Lives Matter or The Justice Bros. (the Revs. Al & Jessie) will jump on this one! Or not!

  4. White liberals care much more about black lives than blacks ever did or ever will. White liberals also care much more about black and brown lives than about white lives, which is why everything they do is to tax you more heavily for the benefit of the little brown Third Worlders with whom they want to replace you. This is why they've worked so hard for so many years to make your children a minority in the nation you and your ancestors built.

    Who will pay for Shaneequa's welfare check when all the white people are dead is a question left for the alert reader. See also, Zimbabwe.


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