Monday, December 04, 2017

Retired Standing Army Brass Urge Congress to Neuter Militia with Infringements

That the prominent military leaders signing the letter willingly lend their names and reputations to advance a naked power grab agenda speaks of loyalty going first to the establishment they serve. It ought to make all consider the fears the Founders had of a standing army. [More]
So exactly what is it about the Second Amendment they “explicitly support”? Notice they don’t (and won’t) say.


  1. Obama holdovers. Purge them all and be done with them. Trump is Commander-in-Chief. He has the authority. Let him use it.

  2. That they did this to us, it is this that we do to them:

    We're Americans like that. Rape our rights at your peril.

  3. March me to my demise? I will put thee hence, and short with, at thy peril, and not my own. I would warn thee beware, but be fool at thy peril. Mark thee thus.

  4. Let's hope we keep our relationship with the Philippines. We can use the hemp rope.

  5. This is the same attitude of those that invaded my country, the south, and murdered over 500.000 of my people.

    The invasion of the south was illegal under the US constitution, they didn't care then, they don't care now.

  6. While I can't say for certain, the female on the list appears to be a closet Sodomite.

    "Kennedy retired from the military in June 2000 after 31 years. During the 2000 U.S. presidential election, Kennedy was critical of George W. Bush's proposed military policies, especially as they related to the status of women in the armed forces. According to General Kennedy: "If Mr. Bush becomes president, his campaign platform says he will move us back to a much earlier time." In other matters of military policy, Kennedy supported repealing the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy.

    In 2002, Democrats actively sought to recruit Gen. Kennedy to challenge U.S. Senator John Warner, a Republican from Virginia. Kennedy passed on the race.

    She contributed the piece "Redefining the Warrior Mentality: Women in the Military" to the 2003 anthology Sisterhood Is Forever: The Women's Anthology for a New Millennium, edited by Robin Morgan.

    Kennedy endorsed Senator John Kerry for the 2004 Democratic presidential nomination in September 2003, and served as an advisor to the Kerry campaign. She sometimes was mentioned as a possible nominee for Secretary of Defense in a Kerry administration.

    She endorsed military veteran candidates Eric Massa and Patrick Murphy in 2006. In 2007 and 2008 she endorsed Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Barack Obama in their respective campaigns for the presidency. She was discussed as a potential vice presidential choice for the Democratic presidential nominee, Barack Obama. (listed link was dead, 404)

    In June 2010, she was appointed as chairwoman of the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services, a committee which is appointed by the United States Secretary of Defense and which reports to the United States Department of Defense.

    General Kennedy also served as co-chair of the Platform Committee of the 2012 Democratic National Convention."

  7. Looks like the lobsterbacks are still here.

  8. “[Retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal] wrote: “I’ve not had an intruder in our home, so don’t have that perspective, but have chosen not to keep a firearm in the house — or carry one at any time. It's not because I’m not comfortable with firing them, but more likely because I am. I know myself well enough that in moments of concern or high emotion I might very well use a firearm — and bullets are like the angry email you hit send on before thinking more calmly about — they can’t be recalled…. I don’t have or carry a weapon precisely because I worry I’d use it.””

    That boy sounds confused.

  9. Flag officers....political hacks and traitors. Each one lf these 16 deserving a short rope and a tall tree.


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