Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Just One Question, Really

Why not as much ginned up anger as when George shot Trayvon? [More]

And searches haven't turned up a single "Wanted" poster.

The Medium is the Message

TV Gets Woke: How Scripted Series Are Confronting Social Issues Like Never Before [More]
There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission.

And soon, we'll all be voting "ABC Family Values"!

By a Slim Margin

Mexican telecom magnate Carlos Slim has joined forces with Mexico's largest university and the country's human rights agency to hold workshops for Latinos in the United States on how to obtain U.S. citizenship. [More]
Thank goodness none of this has anything to do with that "single issue."

A 'Progressive' Solution

A Czech zoo said Tuesday it would use a chainsaw to remove the horns from its herd of rare rhinos after a brutal attack last week in a French zoo where poachers shot dead a white rhino and hacked off its horns. [More]
So what's Andrea Jirousova's plan to disincentivize rape?

The Most Transparent Administration in History

The Obama administration in its final year in office spent a record $36.2 million on legal costs defending its refusal to turn over federal records under the Freedom of Information Act, according to an Associated Press analysis of new U.S. data that also showed poor performance in other categories measuring transparency in government. [More]
Don't I know it.

And remember, with "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.

We ALL 'Deserve Choices'

Victims of domestic violence deserve choices when it comes to self-defense. How can relying on a restraining order protect someone against attacks when it’s rendered useless outside of the courtroom? That piece of paper won’t protect a woman from an estranged husband or ex-boyfriend eager to cause harm. It can actually make her vulnerable to attack once again. Given this, law-abiding citizens who’ve been victimized should be given the opportunity for immediate access to concealed handgun permits (CHP) here in Virginia. [More]
We all should have our right to keep and bear arms recognized.

That we don't and it's not has resulted in this hollow imitation of freedom we find ourselves in.

[Via Mack H]

And What About Rather than Rubber-Stamping?

Rather than casting doubt on Judge Gorsuch... [More]
If you can add certainty to some specifics, please do. Otherwise, why the carte blanche from all the big names in RKBA?

You don't need to be an anti to want answers. Where we get in trouble is when we don't ask questions.

[Via Mack H]

Stranger Fruit

Yes, he is. [More]

One who wants to incite a race war, judging by the title.

[Via Michael G]

The Meat of the Matter

As long as there's no "Frankenfood" manipulation going on that turns out to be introducing some new and harmful factor into the equation, I'm all for this, and can envision a day when the end products can become virtually indistinguishable. [More]

I'd actually conceived of such a development decades ago, only to find out I was hardly unique.

Any Baby in a Bar Fight

Jack Dempsey proves some lessons are timeless. [More]

Reminds me of the time I cleared an escape path by grabbing elder feral son Uday by the ankles and using him like Samson with the ass jawbone...

I also recommend this resource. Back in my young and immortal phase, I had the great (and humbling, believe me) privilege of taking the class from Coach Begala himself shortly before he retired. It was a lot more practical and real world than all the other stuff I'd experimented with over the years.

[Via Michael G]

Taking a Gander

Gander Mountain Files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy & Will CLOSE 32 Stores [More]
Pity, but plenty of us did point out the dangers of separating from the pack.

Too bad it's not Dick's.

[Via Florida Guy]   

We're the Only Ones Enforcing Proper Etiquette Enough

It also includes a reminder to motorists to maintain a “polite and cooperative attitude”... [More]
Especially when we flat-out lie to you, and especially ESPECIALLY when we start screaming death threats.

[Via bondmen]


So Opposite Day "progressive" comedienne Amy Schumer isn't funny...? [More]

And it looks like other people's guns aren't the only things she wants to take from them. (Warning: That link has some extremely vulgar jokes, which isn't surprising for such an extremely vulgar creature.)

With Friends Like These...

Paul Ryan fights the Hillary threat by giving her aid and comfort. [More]

He clearly understands what would happen to this country under Democrat control.  So what's he doing to block that "pathway to citizenship" that would add millions to their numbers?

Good thing that has nothing to do with that "single issue"!