Thursday, July 13, 2017

FBI Director Candidate Wray’s Adopting Language of Left on Guns Merits Further Scrutiny

“I wouldn’t rule out any commonsense gun reform legislation without having a chance to review it,” Wray finally admitted. “I would have to review it and make an assessment based on the circumstances. But I can commit to you that being tough on gun violence is something that I would want to be as director of the FBI.” [More]
Using the same language as interrogater Richard Blumenthal raises a flag.

Senate Must Adopt Paul’s Gun Amendment on Health Care Bill

1) Insurers should not be allowed to ask about gun ownership, or feed that information into a federal database, or discriminate or deny insurance to gun owners;  2) Federal mandates, that doctors keep digital records in a federal health database, cannot be used to force doctors to compile a federal health database; and,3) The ATF must not be allowed to troll the federal health database for names that it could submit to the NICS list. [More]
GOA identifies some "must haves."

Me, I'm still looking for the delegated power...

And If You Act Now...

I also think that this is why we have things like NRA Carry Guard... [More]
She missed a perfectly good opportunity to work in a plug for the NRA Wine Club.

We're the Only Ones Siccing Enough

Sure looks like assault with a deadly weapon to me...

[Via Wirecutter]

Another Public/Private Partnership

CBS News, BBC announce editorial and newsgathering partnership [More]
It's not just journalism. It's Authorized Journalism!

A Public/Private Partnership

California Governor Jerry Brown and Michael Bloomberg Launch “America’s Pledge [More]
Maybe Grover can join them and they'll have a threesome.

[Via Rough and Ready]

Even a Broken Clock...

Connecticut Bans Civil Forfeiture Without Criminal Conviction [More]
That's the way things oughtta be. Why isn't it?

[Via Michael G]

And One More Thing...

What if part of the motivation is in response to the Trump ICE deportation order that basically limits the priority for deportation to those Illegals who have been convicted of felonies. [More]
That makes the most sense. I missed it completely and should have actually thought of it first.

Interesting Admission

So "progressive" California "gun control" doesn't work? [More]

I won't be surprised to see agenda promoters decide this could be more useful on TV and turn it into the next "Walking Dead."

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Incorrect Enough

During that period, Missouri Department of Corrections employees failed to properly check on the two inmates, who were locked alone together in one of the more restricted areas of the prison. Moreover, the state workers falsified logs and failed to follow procedures aimed at protecting inmates from other prisoners. [More]
Defy disarmament diktats and that could be you having to fend off insatiable beasts. And you'd better believe the appropriately-named "screws" exploit the situation as a coercion tool.

Remember that the next time you hear Wayne advocate for enforcing existing Intolerable Acts.

[Via bondmen]

Echoes of Watergate

Nobody died in Watergate, Eric, unlike that little obstruction of justice operation you presided over. [More]

[Via Jess]

Assimilating According to Plan

In a stunning indictment of the system that tests immigrants on their eligibility to become "naturalized citizens," a new report finds that a third are functionally illiterate, unable to speak and understand enough English to get that status. [More]
How else do you expect us to achieve exploitable Balkanization...?

[Via Michael G]

This Would Be Real Charity

In Christian churches throughout the world, special collections could gather funds to be used for the purchase of personal firearms and ammunition and the distribution of them to worthy people in need of defense for life, liberty, and property. [More]
Would that so many of those church's appropriating the "Christian" designation weren't in fact working for the other side.

Off Her High Horse

My first thought was "They've caught Lex Luthor again." [More]

Why the hell isn't PETA screaming for her shaved head?

Ol' Lisa Joy is one messed up whatever.

Some Call It Treason

(The fact that in normal life and in psychiatry, anyone who “consistently and persistently insists” on anything else contrary to physical reality is considered either confused or delusional is conveniently ignored.) [More]
So what does it say about the mental health of the Republic to realize such delusions are the norm in all of the "blue" zones?


You'd think a CPA could add better than that.

People Who Live in Glass Houses

The articles accuse Trump of violating “his constitutional oath ... [More]
Brad Sherman should talk.

Dana Loesch’s Critics Curiously Not Outraged by George Takei’s Clenched Fist

The feigned outrage doesn’t seem to extend to the fist representing One Pulse for America. That’s a new effort reportedly founded by George Takei of Star Trek and Jonah Falcon fame (you probably don’t want to look that last affiliation up). He evidently started the group as a way to respond to the murderous actions of a reportedly sexually-conflicted Islamist extremist who shot up a “gun-free” gay nightclub. So naturally his number one target is the NRA. [More]
Oh my!