Monday, August 21, 2017

The Best 'Republicans' Money Can Buy

Paul Ryan, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham, and John McCain were all named in the latest Wikileaks release, and apparently were in the tank to not only ensure Trump lost the election, but to undermine him if he won; and that’s exactly what they’re doing. [More]
I'm not seing this yet on the major sites.  Of course, there was another story not that long ago I could have said the same thing about. Still can for the most part...

Funny, how all they're interested in is going after the guy helping bring information to light, that is, their job.

[Via Henry]

"Our" Means Others Get a Say

Sadly, he wasn’t far off— in our opinion, this is just one step of a larger campaign to sell out our public lands for oil and gas and other development. Don’t let lawmakers put these iconic landscapes on the market. [More]
Better to create off-limits wildlands, where sustainable village inhabitants are forbidden to go except for those needed to service the exclusive access-enjoying globalist elites... right?

Besides, if there's one thing we've learned from all this Bundy business is there's no better steward of western  and other lands than federal bureaucrats and enforcers. And since when has the human condition ever been improved by logging, mining, energy development and ranching?

Say, that ditch looks like a navigable waterway to us...

Conservation is worthy. And there's a balance. I don't see it offered here, especially though the unveiled use of Alinsky Rule 5 ridicule.

[Via cydl]

End of the Line?

A 21-year-old Chicago man shot himself in the groin early Wednesday morning, while on a commuter bus stopping on the UW-Madison campus en route from Minneapolis to Chicago. [More]
Depending on where the bullet struck, I'm thinking potential long-term benefits here...

[Via Steve T

Good Judgment

Ohio Judge Returns Fire After He Is Ambushed on Way to Court [More]
He must be one of those "Concealed Carry Killers" the Violence Policy Center is always warning us against. Besides, Everytown and the Bradys tell us reports of DGUs are overblown.

Steubenville, eh? Y'know, I've lived within a doable drive all these years and never made it out to the Dean Martin Festival. I may just change that next June.

[Via Jess]

We're the Only Ones Cheaper by the Dozen Enough

The teenage daughter of a police dispatcher at the center of a Northern California sexual misconduct scandal involving two dozen officers has filed a lawsuit against one of the law enforcement agencies, her attorney announced Friday. [More]
That said, I don't see any reason why the little whore shouldn't be identified.

It's not like it's a secret.

[Via Rough and Ready]

A Place in the Sun

There will be no outdoor activities between the hours of 9:00 am and noon. That means no outdoor lunch, recess or PE. Parents who choose to keep students home on August 21 may contact the school to have the absence excused. However, if you do choose to send your student to school, there may be opportunities to learn more about the eclipse, but from the safety of the classroom. [More]
Can't have the snowflakes melting.

In re the eclipse, the local WalMart told me last week their glasses were recalled, Best Buy wanted to upsell toother gear, and the bottom line is, I ended up using a cereal box and foil to make a camera obscura, which produces really unimpressvie results. I also took some "selfies," which you couldn't really tell anything from as the blackout here was far from complete. My regrets are I did not have a nearby primitive tribe I could convince I was a god, or a supply of old 3-D glasses I could stamp "ISO 9000" on and tell the local Young Marxist Losers for Annihilation chapter I liberated them from fascist oppressors.

I did notice it didn't feel anywhere near as hot during maximum occultation as before and after, but I'd better not talk about that because I don't want to be called a denier for suggesting the sun might have anything to do with "climate change."

I haven't been this underwhelmed since Y2K (which was actually good for my family, as the better half was a mainframe programmer consultant in high demand in the years before).

[Via Henry Bowman]

Choking Chokepoint

Not that any of the major news outlets will breathe a word of this.

I guess it's safe to assume they'll no longer be stiffing porn stars?

[Via Jess]

Now We Know What They're Feeding on the Heritage Trail

[Click to enlarge]

Just so you know your place in the food chain... [More]

It could be your Mom they deem coyotelicious next...

Interesting trail name. That's hardly the heritage Americans are supposed to have preserved, but then again, for "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.

Oh and look what it took!

Thank goodness we have "Only Ones" who can arrive after the damage has been done!

The War on Police

Curious. None of the suspects come from the ranks of those we're told are the greatest threat... [More]

[Via Florida Guy]   

The Soft Sell

Stelter said that “some foreign correspondents, writing about the United States from other countries, would bring up the word “coup, a soft coup, with all this talk of military leaders.” [More]
And if there's a hard response...?

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Over in Opposite Day 'Progressive' Civilization...

Carroll managed to punch his killer in the face and toss his cell phone at the second man before the knife came out.  [More]
Because being able to defend himself like he could in his native hick Texas is so unprogressive.

If a man can't even protect himself, how is he going to protect those he loves?

Or is that a question only a hater would ask?

[Via William T]

The Armed Racist Threat

Suspected Florida Cop Killer Claimed To Be Member Of Black Extremist Group [More]
Waitaminnit... this doesn't fit the narrative...

Let's just hope the racist Nazi fascist Trump doesn't commit the unpardonable sin of saying this is equally wrong.

[Via William T]

The Most Busted Name in News

Somebody'd better tell "Montana's News Leader" they need to fact check their filler subscriptions.

A Discreet Social Justice Warrior

Hey, if "hate speech is not free speech," then "hate" protection is not equal protection.

Right, haters?

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Trolling Enough

The man had scalding coffee thrown in his face.

Everybody knows how dangerous that can be.

Yet the trough-feeder carrying out the all-important public safety task of manning the department Twitter account responds with Alinsky Rule 5 ridicule (enjoying no shortage of approving comments from "progressive" supporters who suddenly think the cops are just fine).

And we all know the lead the department follows on citizens possessing the tools of defense.

We also know actors are used all the time.  Jones and I even talked about it once in a different setting but by the same "side".

[The "OnlyOnes" files]

Seeing Red

Interesting. Wear a hat the brainwashed Marxist padawans disapprove of and they will melt down, so the "progressive" solution is to ban the hat-wearers. [More]

How is saying the girls were provoking trouble any different than saying a rape victim "was asking for it" because of the way she was dressed?

If I wear something you don't like, you have every right to disapprove. You even have a right to tell me so, and I have a right to tell you what you can do with your opinion. And will.

Get physical, and VLLA SELLA rules apply.

So naturally, Howard University "will never compromise [their] values" (p. 35).

And what values those are!

A Priority of His Pontificate

It's hard to believe he's that stupid. The only other explanation is he's that evil.

'The Open-Carry Loophole'

Ban the Open Carry of Firearms [More]
Of course John Feinblatt, Everytown and The New York Times don't much like concealed carry either.

Curious, how he doesn't mention instances and rates of murder by open carry demonstrators to bolster his case that a real threat exists. Why do you suppose that is?

Besides, how "intimidated" can the antis really be by people even their leaders describe as "polite"?

We're the Only Ones Un-American Enough

New York Police Officers Rally in Support of Colin Kaepernick [More]
It's seems fair to ask if they have similar misgivings about their oath.

Do the (Alt-) Right Thing

Jason Kessler is a hateful person who is having a substance fueled meltdown! [More]

I wonder why Authorized Journalist Matt Pearce did not see fit to mention he's also historically been a creature of the "alt-left"? Or is his epiphany to embrace the "conservative" side the one thing Kessler claims that we're supposed to believe?

Going Public

Eighth Circuit: Citizens do not have a right to film public officials in public [More]
Further down in the article there's a dispute as to how the hairs should be split.

Regardless, what have you got to go upsetting the narrative with independent investigation and reporting for? Our professional spokespeople are standing by to tell you everything you need to know, and as an added bonus, include the approved spin at no extra charge.

The Company They Keep

A federal judge ordered Thursday that convicted Palestinian terrorist and Women's March organizer Rasmea Odeh be deported from the United States, and her citizenship, revoked. [More]
And Michael Bloomberg's Moms Demand Action enthusiastically participated in the march, meaning he's funding solidarity with terrorists demonstrations. No wonder they want their countrymen disarmed.