There will be no outdoor activities between the hours of 9:00 am and noon. That means no outdoor lunch, recess or PE. Parents who choose to keep students home on August 21 may contact the school to have the absence excused. However, if you do choose to send your student to school, there may be opportunities to learn more about the eclipse, but from the safety of the classroom. [More]
Can't have the snowflakes melting.
In re the eclipse, the local WalMart told me last week their glasses were recalled, Best Buy wanted to upsell toother gear, and the bottom line is, I ended up using a cereal box and foil to make a camera obscura, which produces really unimpressvie results. I also took some "selfies," which you couldn't really tell anything from as the blackout here was far from complete. My regrets are I did not have a nearby primitive tribe I could convince I was a god, or a supply of old 3-D glasses I could stamp "ISO 9000" on and tell the local Young Marxist Losers for Annihilation chapter I liberated them from fascist oppressors.
I did notice it didn't feel anywhere near as hot during maximum occultation as before and after, but I'd better not talk about that because I don't want to be called a denier for suggesting the sun might have anything to do with "climate change."
I haven't been this underwhelmed since Y2K (which was actually good for my family, as the better half was a mainframe programmer consultant in high demand in the years before).
[Via Henry Bowman]