Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Rabbit's Lament

He's not interested in admitting an armed NRA instructor stopped the Texas killer. That's because he knows if it had been up to him, all he'd have been able to do is pop his Rapex, utterly useless to himself and all others.

No wonder he hates men who aren't helpless.

So THAT Explains It

"Guns laws are very different..." [More]
Care to make that relevant to the thesis or did you just throw that out there?

And keep welcoming "refugees." You'll catch up.

[Via Bluesgal]

'Progressive' Rule

An exceptionally murderous city - Crime and despair in Baltimore - As America gets safer, Maryland’s biggest city does not [More]
But...but...but they've got a Democrat administration and gun control and everything...

[Via William T]

New Feinstein ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban All ‘Sound and Fury’ — for Now

But Feinstein does make an interesting admission: the bill is intended for show, for publicity and for political gamesmanship. The signatories are under no illusions it will actually go anywhere. And no, of course it won’t stop any “mass shootings.” That’s never been the intent of gun owner control. [More]
Any claim of this being about “gun violence” or “safety” or “common sense” is just a transparent lie by a serial oath-breaker cynically exploiting deaths to her political advantage.

Why Not Give It a Whirl?

So far, a search for "gun" turns up no beneficiaries from "our side."

It would be interesting to see if they're allowed to share in the largesse or if they'll be banned.  Know any group that would like to apply?

Playing the Field

There's a goat somewhere feeling betrayed. [More]

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Simulating Enough

Police in O'Fallon, Missouri have a new training simulator to prepare officers for the worst situations. Law enforcement agencies agree these new simulators are vital for training in today's world. [More]
Ooh...ooh... play the scenario where the chihuahua runs out!

[Via bondmen]

Ask the Expert

"I’m picking up this trashcan and throwing it at him - engage. Picking up this lid and hitting him with it.” [More]
So are we going to start equipping the military and police with trashcans now...?

[Via bondmen]

Jail 'em and Nail 'em

A civilian detention officer in Belton is charged with having sex with a prisoner. [More]
I will not make a "30 days in the hole" joke... I will not make a "30 days in the hole" joke...

[Via bondmen]

Yes You May

These are strong words from an author that begs “mother may I” when it comes to silencers. [More]
When? Where? Quote? Link? Context?

Maybe you can help him find it.

A Signature Issue

IT’S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser’s Yearbook Was FORGED [More]
I can't pretend to actually know about these things, but present it as just another piece to consider.

[Via Michael G]

Looks Like I'm Living in Someone's Head Rent-Free

That's certainly an interesting reaction to my saying I wanted to take a walk in the first snow of the season. It looks like somebody holds a bitter grudge against Mike's memory and against me. What could we have done to inspire such raw hatred?

Is this an anti-gunner troll?

The "sadist/psychopath" part seems about right. But something in the language and some of the terminology, "porch humping" for instance, is  unique to what I've seen before. But where?

Oh, yeah -- I remember seeing it over at Wirecutter's a while back.

It seems to fit.

What a consumed by hatred, devoid of meaning and lonely life this pathological, obsessed freak must lead. And what a personal coward he must be, to so savagely attack another while hiding behind a mask of anonymity and presumed unaccountability.

Bottom line: he's afraid of me. He's no doubt afraid of a lot.

So it will hardly surprise me to find out he's lying about desecrating and vandalizing Mike's grave. On the off chance that he's not, I'll be happy to share my blog's stat files with investigators.

The Unfriendly Atheist

Aside from inviting an "I know you are but what am I?" response to each point,  that certainly doesn't seem very friendly for someone who bills himself as "The Friendly Atheist." You have to wonder what kind of mentality gives this character credence.

Coincidentally, I ran across a pretty compelling analysis of the Texas shooter's purported Facebook page.  I say "purported," because the information controllers sealed off that avenue of investigation to small independents, so everyone will be dependent on the narrative they choose to share. Still, the pages jibe with what others are reporting, and this screenshot reveals an interesting connection:

Yep, right up there with anti-gun CNN, our friendly pal Hemant was a specially-credited influence on attitude and convictions:

He does seem to have a special contempt for Christianity

Kurt Schlichter may just have a tongue-in-cheek point:

If I may interject a personal observation here -- of course I may, this is my place -- agnosticism and doubts I can understand. Flat-out atheism has always seemed  presumptuous, and even fraudulent in the certainty with which it is presented.

The Conversion of St. Michael

Join him on his "spritual odyssey." All major credit cards accepted. [More]

I'll say it again: Obnoxious carnival barker.

Teach Your Children Well

This is state-sanctioned child abuse, pure and simple. [More]

There is a bit of satisfaction in imagining that one day, irreparably-damaged victims will rebel against their oppressors and the prime focus of their frustrated rage will be Mommy. The problem, of course, is that they'll probably never understand why, and the destruction they cause will mostly be directed at those who had no hand in the molding.

What's Not to 'Like'?

Facebook is asking users to send the company their nude photos in an effort to tackle revenge porn... [More]
Thanks all the same.

People certainly do get themselves into some interesting dilemmas these days.

Now THAT's Funny

“If he refuses to withdraw and wins, the Senate should vote to expel him, because he does not meet the ethical and moral requirements of the United States Senate." [More]
And I was just thinking that if guilty, he'd fit right in.

'They Didn't Like Me for Some Reason'

Huh. And you seem like such a nice young man. [More]

Hate-filled loner misfits never seem to grok why that is.

My Kind of Town

A crime spree has several South Side neighborhoods on alert. Chicago Police say the suspects are stealing vehicles, and using them to commit armed robberies. [More]
And the "solution":
Police said you can protect yourself by making sure you have tracking software and security locks on your cell phone. You also should write down serial numbers for your electronics just in case.
Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via Neil W]

Secure in Their Beliefs

Forming a Church Safety Team [More]
That way you won't have to do any of that praying gun-grabbers are so contemptuous of. And true to their Opposite Day "progressive" natures, it's "action" they demand to make impossible.

Coming Soon to a Refuge Near You

Officials at the world health body have now admitted there is a real risk the disease could spread to Europe, the US and across the globe. [More]
How would it spread? Who is responsible for the migration transmission mechanism?

Would it be the same people who want to treat guns as a public health menace?  You know, the ones who smear you as a xenophobic hater if you question their intent on any of this?