Monday, January 22, 2018

Meanwhile, Over at Global Disarmament HQ

Sexual harassment and assault rife at United Nations, staff claim - Exclusive: Guardian investigation points to culture of impunity as UN employees allege offences including rape [More]
Do you think any of the women could see the gun sculpture from the window while they were tolerating cultural diversity? Good thing the perps have diplomatic immunity so NYC "commonsense gun safety laws" that disarm Americans don't apply to them!

[Via Jess]

First Gun Bills Of 2018

Oregon Firearms Federation's latest alert gives a first look at what's coming down the pike and it ain't pretty. [More]

What's in a Title?

I was just reminded of something I've been seeing for years that's always confused me:
Wayne LaPierre, CEO.
It's not just how others refer to him, it's how NRA refers to him, case in point, on official tax documents they file with the government.

The reason I'm confused is because per the Bylaws, Article V, Section 1 (a):
"The officers of the Association shall be a President, one or more Vice Presidents, an Executive Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Executive Director of the National Rifle Association General Operations, and an Executive Director of the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action."
Then you get to (b) and it says (in boldface type):
"The Board may not abolish said offices nor create any other offices."
That seems pretty specific and there for a reason.  Anybody who knows what the deal is, please feel free to educate via comments.

By the way, I encourage all members to get a copy of the current Bylaws (the most recent rev. is April 29, 2017), because I believe it's important to hold directors and paid staff to them. I've advocated before that they ought to be online, but Fairfax doesn't want to do that and even put a copyright on them some years back, which precludes someone else (legally) doing it.

Perhaps if enough members request a copy, which is their right, postage costs will prompt a reconsideration.

AzCDL LegislativeUpdate

Via email:
The 2017 Legislative session officially convened on Monday, January 8.  Over 700 bills have already been filed.  Legislators don't have much more time to file their proposed legislation.  The final day for Senators to file bills is Monday, January 29.  For the House the final deadline is Friday, February 2.
See the bill tracking page for specifics.

Coming Soon, to a Sanctuary City Near You

Mexican murder toll spikes to record in 2017 amid war on drug cartels [More]
And just think -- we'll not only soon become one with them, but one with their "gun laws"!

Thank Goodness We Didn't Have to Test It!

Don’t Worry, You Can Still Buy a Gun During a Government Shutdown [More]
What, me worry?

What's in a Name?

Under the Trump administration’s plan, the Treasury Department would inherit the authority to investigate tobacco and alcohol smuggling. The A.T.F. would need a new name. One possibility: the Bureau of Arson, Explosives and Firearms, or A.E.F. [More]
They ought to put it out for public comment.

A Sober Solution

State Rep. Francis "Chip" Baltimore, a Boone Republican who has pushed for legislation to keep drunken drivers off the roads, was arrested early Friday in Ames and charged with operating while intoxicated and possession of a firearm while under the influence. [More]
What we need are mandatory breathalyzer-activated guns to prevent firing while under the influence!

[Via FedUp]

Kick the Can

Senate Democrats relinquished on the government shutdown Monday, agreeing to vote to reopen the government but insisting they’ll keep fighting for illegal immigrant “Dreamers” over the next weeks, with another shutdown deadline looming Feb. 8. [More]
And they made it clear what it is they're demanding (see Cardin text at 12:56:12):

A Solution in Search of a Problem

Hawaiian gun  owner rights dynamo George Pace shared the following questions he sent to Senate sponsors the "accelerated rate of fire modification" ban bill."

"I didn't want to get into whether they agreed that any and all modifications that might accelerate the rate of fire would be illegal (i.e. lubricating parts, etc.)... yet," he explains. "Honestly, I don't expect an answer, or if I do get one it will be along the lines of "public safety", same as ban handgun mags over 10 rounds even though no crime was ever committed with those either (where the criminal shot more than 10 rounds)... or stun guns, etc."

Here's what he asked:
As a sponsor of SB2046 could you please answer the following questions in a clear, unambiguous, unequivocal manner in order to clarify the background and necessity of your proposed bill?
1. How many total crimes have been committed in Hawaii, and in what years, involving firearms with any and all trigger modification devices?
2. How many total crimes have been committed in Hawaii, and in what years, involving firearms with a bump stock and/or bump fire devices?
3. How many total crimes have been committed in Hawaii, and in what years, involving firearms with trigger cranks?
4. How many total crimes have been committed in Hawaii, and in what years, involving firearms with any part, combination of parts, component, device, attachment, or accessory that is designed orfunctions to accelerate the rate of fire of a semiautomatic firearm?
5. How many total crimes have been committed in Hawaii, and in what years, involving firearms with any altered part that accelerated the rate of fire of that firearm?
6. Of those total firearms listed above in question 5, please specify the exact modification or alteration of each firearm used in those crimes with an accelerated rate of fire due to said modification or alteration.
Like he said, he's not holding his breath.

Denial of Service

Common sense dictates that the only way to combat this theft, this ravaging, is to deny service to the densely populated areas that will be unable to sustain themselves and turn to riots and pillaging of what resources are left within their jurisdictions. [More]
But what if they retaliate, and stop providing us with... uh...

CSPAN Senate Vote

In process-- and that lying son of a bitch traitor Schumer is calling it "the Trump shutdown" [Watch]

We're the Only Ones Who Know When to Fold 'em Enough

Wichita officers indicted in gambling probe no longer with police department [More]
Me, I can't tell you how grateful I am to know there are "community heroes"out there making sure adults can't play cards, and they'll cheat to do it.

[Via bondmen]

A Charged Argument

The purpose of this Act is to repeal the State's ban on electric guns. [More]
Per colleague George Pace, who deserves all credit for beinging this to the fore:
At least it's introduced. We'll see if maybe someday it actually gets a committee assignment and hearing... but being unconstitutional hasn't really led to committee hearings in the past to repeal such laws around here... you know, "public safety" and all that...
As I may have told you earlier, last fall I sent the info re SCOTUS's Caetano unanimous per curiam and other assorted info re "stun guns" to every single legislator in the state, asking them to sponsor a repeal of the ban bill... I only heard back from senator Gabbard. I'm just sayin'...

'Things Happen'

Yeah. I hate it when I strangle my wife and bury her in front of the kids. [More]

What's this guy doing here again?


Good thing guys like me have been taxed all our lives to help pay for this.

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Concocting Enough

And these lying sons of bitches aren't in jail because...? [More]

A tangentially-related personal story comes to mind:

Elder feral son Uday got a speeding ticket the other week, which he doesn't think he was doing, at least not much, but he's not going to contest it. It took three SUVs to handle the stop, because who doesn't want to go home at the end of their shift? He, of course, passed the intoxication test with flying colors-- despite being forced out of his car in single-digit temperatures to perform on demand when a simple conversation would have shown he was in no way impaired. When he declined to accept their "offer" to search his car, they kept him out in the cold and brought in a drug dog, which, of course, "signalled" that a warrantless search was in order. It, of course, resulted in nothing being found. When asked why, the supervising highwayman asserted "reasonable suspicion," which I guess is catch-all code for hidden ways to condition a dog to bark that inflict "established protocol."

Thanks for being out there securing the blessings of Liberty, "community heroes"!

[Via Michael G]

'The NSA's Foul-Up'

Is that anything like a "botched gun sting"? [More]

It must be, since I don't see anybody facing obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence charges.

But hey, at least they have "sincere regrets."

[Via Jess]

Homegrown Terrorists

The FBI and the Department of Justice are arguing for a liability case against them to be dismissed, while at the same time admitting to key details surrounding the bureau's involvement in the 2015 terrorist attack on the "Draw Muhammad" event in Garland, Texas. [More]
So much for Sessions and Wray being our pals. And funny what they're each doing in their photos.

[Via Jess]

None Dare Call It Treason

California will take the next step in blurring the lines between citizens and non-citizens beginning April Fool’s Day when the state complies with a court order to begin automatically registering to vote all those who are granted driver’s licenses. [More]
Good day for it, anyway.

I wonder how many are going to the FONRA dinner...?

Personality Disorder

It's a secret?

[Via Jess]

We're the Only Ones Harrowing Enough

This was clearly an incident that should have just been a knock and talk, a couple detectives come to the door, knock on the door and they would have gathered the same info that they gathered after they put him in handcuffs and hauled him off to jail,” Burns said. [More]
Yes, but that would require being competent, reasonable and not pussy bullies.

[Via William T]

And They Say There are No Stupid Questions

Is it discriminatory to refuse to date a trans woman? [More]
Not to mention refuse advances!

There oughtta be a law!

A Mugged Liberal

After Armed Robbery, Political Comedian Wants Concealed Carry [More]
Yes, it's personal.


[Via Michael G]

Aruba, Jamaica, Oh I Want to Take Ya

Jamaica declares emergency over parts of island as gun crime soars [More]
But...but...but they have "universal background checks"! And licensing! And registration! And "genuine reason"! And ammunition limits! And...

[Via Jess]


Teens roam streets with rifles as crime swamps Sweden [More]
Olaf? Lars? You get in here and behave, by golly!

[Via Roger J]

'Violence Erupted'

Leave it to the New York Daily News to shield fellow subversives and blame "far-right provocateur[s]. [More]

[Via Michael G]

Assuming You Have Accurate Numbers...

...which you don't... [More]

How does that change the overall ratio and predictable results in any way?

The specious assumption that anyone of color or gender will stay a liberal and not assimilate into American culture or change their views is a mistake.
Got numbers to offset a demonstrable ratio?  I thought not.

There's Gotta be a Logical Explanation

Was Lynch coordinating with Comey in the Clinton investigation? [More]
Either that or she was angling for a guest ethics lecturer gig.

Say, how are the grandkids...?