I was just reminded of something I've been seeing for years that's always confused me:
Wayne LaPierre, CEO.
It's not just how others refer to him, it's how NRA refers to him, case in point,
on official tax documents they file with the government.
The reason I'm confused is because per the Bylaws, Article V, Section 1 (a):
"The officers of the Association shall be a President, one or more Vice Presidents, an Executive Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Executive Director of the National Rifle Association General Operations, and an Executive Director of the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action."
Then you get to (b) and it says (in boldface type):
"The Board may not abolish said offices nor create any other offices."
That seems pretty specific and there for a reason. Anybody who knows what the deal is, please feel free to educate via comments.
By the way, I encourage all members to get a copy of the current Bylaws (the most recent rev. is April 29, 2017), because I believe it's important to hold directors and paid staff to them. I've advocated before that they ought to be online, but Fairfax doesn't want to do that and even put a copyright on them some years back, which precludes someone else (legally) doing it.
Perhaps if enough members request a copy, which is their right, postage costs will prompt a reconsideration.