Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Almost Perfect

"To prohibit a citizen from wearing or carrying a war arm ... is an unwarranted restriction upon the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of constitutional privilege." [More]
Aside from the presumption of privilege, this is exactly what was intended, and throws the lie back in the teeth of the Burgers and the Stevens of this world that tbhe interpretation is a novel "gun lobby" fiction.

Do As I Say

Rapper Vic Mensa, who performed at March for Our Lives, convicted of gun crime in 2017 [More]
Oh look: Another hoplocrite. And a hiphoplocrite at that.

Kind'a like Poop Dogg. Speaking of whom, why is @JokersWildTBS continuing to get a #MeToo pass on the guy?

Maybe that's a question for the top dogg.

So Much for Arming Teachers to Protect Students

Investigators charged White with the deaths of Tatiyana Coates, 11, and her brother, Daveon Coates, 15. Police told Winne that the brother and sister were innocent victims of gang violence. [More]
Don't they give these people background checks or something?

And more importantly, what will Fairfax and the Republicans offer up this time?

Known by the Company They Keep

That's the old spirit!

Oh, yeah, I remember reading about this.

Being ruled by wicked perverts doesn't surprise anyone, I trust.

March for Our Rights

But on the same day of these rallies, counter-protests took place with a central message of their own: protect the Second Amendment. [More]
Groups are being formed on Facebook. And I was recently asked to promote this.

A successful effort will need leadership and support with the time, inclination, money, resources, contacts, reach, organization, logistical and administrative capabilities, and skill sets.

[Via Tom Skoch]

We Just Want Commonsense Safety Laws. Honest.

How Fox News turned the March for Our Lives into an attack on the 2nd Amendment [More]
Who you gonna believe? Vox or your lying eyes and ears?

Four Strikes Against Him

Gun Rights Provocateur David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied [More]
But he presumes himself qualified to instruct adults and redefine the relationship between government and the people. By force.

The more these "Lord of the Flies" castaways reveal themselves, the more normal people see them for what they are and are repulsed.

[Via Neil W]

If It Ain't Broke

The problem is not that we need to make a change in the Second Amendment or any other part of the Constitution, but rather that we need to follow the Second Amendment that we already have. [More]

That's the problem with the whole concept.

[Via Felix B]

We're the Only Ones Assaulted Enough

Magistrate records made public Wednesday morning indicate C.J. Grisham was charged with assault of a peace officer, interference with the duties of a public servant, obstruction of passageway, and resisting arrest. [More]
It sure doesn't look like the citizen lawfully exercising his rights is the one doing the assaulting here...

And it looks like Olmos PD is getting an earful on Facebook.

We're the Only Ones Cataloguing Enough

The deputies catalogued the guns. When they returned to retrieve them, they discovered dozens of the weapons had been stolen. Rhambo said most were semi-automatics. [More]
Gosh, what could have happened?

[Via Jess]


What's the finish line? [More]

And yeah, interesting connection.

[Via Jeet]

Half Empty/Half Full

More like 4/5, but we work with the expressions we are given. [More]

Now ask how many are willing to personally enforce it. Just at The Washington Post...

[Via Mack H]

Confession is Good for the Soul

The sin of being born white must be expunged! [More]

Randy demonstrates the first necessary step:

[Via Mack H]

New and Improved?

During sea trials the Ford used EMALS heavily, as would be the case in combat and training operations and found EMALS less reliable than the older steam catapult, more labor intensive to operate, put more stress on launched aircraft than expected and due to a basic design flaw if one EMALS catapult becomes inoperable, the other three catapults could not be used in the meantime as was the case with steam catapults. [More]

[Via Florida Guy]

A Taxing Proposition

But that did not necessarily flout any tax laws...It’s worth keeping an eye on the NRA to ensure that it manages to stay within the lines the law has painted. [More]
In other words, after a thousand words and a platform on The Conversation, Newsweek and Yahoo News, they've got absolutely nothing but fabricated speculation. Still, "mission accomplished" if the goal is to spread suspicion among those looking for any misinformation to propagate.

[Via Felix B]

Hostile Takeover Attempt

SEC rules require that the company adds the proposal to the agenda for voting at the next annual shareholder meeting. Ruger’s board is openly against this particular proposal, but they have to include it. [More]
They'd better be.  Some have never forgiven them for Bill's betrayal, the company's attempts to purchase indulgences notwithstanding.

Here's the proposal.

Note who the proponents are.

I'd love the time to dig into that relationship.

[Via Jess]

Stevens’ Call to Repeal Second Amendment Caps a Career of Judicial Subversion

It’s tempting to dismiss this latest attack as the ramblings of a subversive dotard and conclude there’s no fool like an old fool. But Stevens has been doing this for years and is voicing the very real goals of those intent on establishing that old standby of totalitarian regimes everywhere, a monopoly of violence. [More]
But "no one wants to take your guns."

Rearranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic

How California Gun Owners Are Getting Around a New Assault Weapons Ban - New products could make tighter restrictions on one of America's premier gun markets largely moot. [More]
Not true, and the issue is that workarounds are even "needed."

Or as an old pal of mine said:
I sometimes wonder whether the socialists will issue an edict requiring all firearms to have a pink ribbon tied to the barrel, just to get a belly laugh as the panicked descendants of once-proud American patriots scurry to comply.